Our Learning in Term 3

Note taking

This term as part of our Listening and Talking and our Writing we have been watching Newsround and learning to take notes.

Our Snow Day fun

We played in the snow and then when we came back to class we wrote a discussion text about snow. We made mini snowmen, snow angels and snowballs.

Creating PE games

We worked with partners or small groups to create a new game which we then explained to the class. We then had great fun playing all the games. This developed our Listening and Talking skills again by working together to share ideas and then to give instructions.

  Watermelon tig, you could even teleport!

Rainbow tig, Chase each other while you follow the coloured cones

  A game to develop your basketball skills

Floor is lava, can you get to the other end without melting in the lava?

Jump tig. When you have been caught you have to perform a jump, someone copies your jump to free you.

Another basketball skill game, how many points can you score by choosing the different markers?


Giving Instructions

In pairs, one person made a hidden model and then explained to their friend what they needed and where it would go so that they could listen and follow the instructions to make the same model.

Digital Learning 

Programming Marty the Robot to have a dance off.

Coding on the laptops


World Book Day

We were delighted when Colin Hunter from Kilwinning Sports Club came to read two of the books he used to read to his sons. Thank you.


We then had a visit from our buddies in the afternoon and they read our new book from the Book Swap.