Hello everyone and welcome to Term 2,
I hope all you all had a lovely October break. We have lots of fun and exciting things to look forward to this term. This is my favourite term as their are so many magical things to do.
Should you need to message me, here is my email address:
This week I have uploaded lots of Spook-tacular activities that may take your fang-cy!* 🙂
*These can just be discussed, no need to print off.
Remember you don’t need to do these. They are optional.
Some of you have already told me what you are dressing up as for Hallowe’en but I would love to see your costumes in more detail. Have a go at drawing your spook-tacular costumes!
Can you tell me what the initial sound is for each of these pictures.
Can you read these spooky CVC words?
Halloween Counting
Here are all of the inital sounds for Phase 2 in order.
Here are a copy of the Phase 2 flash cards, so you have them at home. I hope you enjoy!
Why not have a go at practising these High frequency words in your jotter. Pick a couple and practice saying the word, looking for the word and pointing it out. Try writing some of the words in the air or in your book.
I have added some Phase 2 – 5 High frequency flash cards if you would like to use them as additional practice. Only the Orange cards are for Phase 2.
Practise looking at these tricky words as often as you can. Use the video to help these tricky words become more familiar.
Here is a video that shows you how to practice the letter formations of precursive letters.
Please have a go and practise these as often as possible .
Remember to practice reading books as often as possible to help support your learning.
Read and answer the questions once you have finished.