Weekly Update 14.09.20

This week Primary 1 have  introduced the first sounds and started our new Phonics lessons. We have learned S, A and T.  We also learned that putting S, A and T together make a word- sat!  We are continuing to practise our blending as we introduce more sounds. We are always looking out for our letters when we are in the classroom or walking to the lunch hall. Sometimes, we hear our sounds in a word and get excited!
Primary 2 have been looking at ‘WOW’ words and wrote an excellent description of a cave. We used ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ to help us and listened for the ‘WOW’ words throughout. We have also been looking at different types of punctuation; full stop, exclamation marks and question marks. We have been investigating when these punctuation marks have been used and what they mean. 
Primary 2 have also been given a new reading book. These books are kept in their own trays and are not shared between any pupils. 


Primary 1 have been counting collections up to 10 and matching them with the correct number.  We are still working on developing our number recognition and number formation. Every day, when we are doing the calendar, we are thinking of numbers before and after. Primary 1 have also been starting to learn about Time, thinking about the days of the week, months of the years and different parts of the day. We introduced a Numeracy Jotter and have been learning about how to look after this. 
Primary 2 have been counting in 10s on and off the decade. We have been using a 100 square to help us complete the number sequencing. For examples 0,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 or 3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93. 
We practise every day counting up to 50 and back. The pupils are getting much better at giving me some facts about numbers. I will choose a number when we are counting and ask the children to tell me something about it. They have got to think about what the number looks like, what comes before it, what comes after it, a number bigger than it and smaller than it, how many tens and how many units are in it. Primary 2 have also been learning about Pattern, visual patterns and number patterns. We have been using our problem solving strategies to try and work out what the pattern us and how we can continue it.
Across the Curriculum
This week, we have been learning about our bodies and our senses. Primary 1 were labeling different parts of the body and Primary 2 were learning about our organs, where they are and what they do. 
Together we learned that an adult body has 206 bones in it. We learned that our skeleton is needed to protect our organs. 
We were all very interested in learning about the different parts of our body and inside our bodies. 

I am so sorry, I am having trouble uploading some pictures and need some professional help!! I will upload as soon as I can.