Weekly Update 07.09.20

Another busy week for Primary 1/2.


This week Primary 1 have been practising rhyming, alliteration and syllables.  We were also blending together some sounds to make a word.

For example, ‘if I say j-a-m, can anyone put those letters together and make a word?’ This is to develop our phonological awareness, listen for different sounds within a word.  This week we also wrote about ourselves and our families. We thought about what our families looked like, who is in our families and what we like to do as a family.

Primary 2 completed their baseline. This is a piece of independent writing which gives everyone a chance to show off their writing skills. We also wrote about our families. Primary 2 have also been given a new reading book. These books are kept in their own trays and are not shared between any pupils. Primary 2 have also been learning about Visualising Violet, a strategy to help develop reading comprehension. They have drawn some excellent pirates. 



Primary 1 have been counting collections up to 10 and matching them with the correct number.  We are still working on developing our number recognition and number formation. Every day, when we are doing the calendar, we are thinking of numbers before and after. Primary 1 have also been starting to learn about Time, thinking about the days of the week, months of the years and different parts of the day. We did a ‘Morning Routine’ sequencing activity where the pupils had to cut the pictures out and stick them in the correct order .
Primary 2 have been learning more about Place Value with 2 -digit numbers; looking at how many towers of 10 and how many extra units are in each number. We practise every day counting up to 50 and back. The pupils are getting much better at giving me some facts about numbers. I will choose a number when we are counting and ask the children to tell me something about it. They have got to think about what the number looks like, what comes before it, what comes after it, a number bigger than it and smaller than it, how many tens and how many units are in it. Primary 2 have also been learning about Time and have started with a little revision from what we learned in Primary 1. 
Across the Curriculum

This week we got the paints out! I am sure the children will tell you that this make me a little nervous but we were super careful and managed to keep nearly all the paint off our clothes and on our paper!
We painted some self portraits and they are beautiful. We talk with our partner about our hair colours and our eye colours so we could get an accurate picture. They are hanging, pride of place in the middle of the class. I will post some pictures of these.
We also played some team games this week, working together and listening and communicating with each other.
Mrs Dickens did a lovely friendship activity with the class where we were thinking about what makes a good friend.

Unfortunately , the weather was not ideal this week and we didn’t get out as much as we would’ve liked. Fingers crossed it brightens up next week!

Pictures to follow.