Week 3 Round Up

This week has been another really hard working week from Primary 1/2. Thank you again for all your hard week. You are all superstars!

Primary 1 and Primary 2 have both started working on Money this week during Maths. Primary 1 have been investigating and sorting coins and Primary 2 have been using coins to pay for things to the value of 20p. We have been making a given value in a variety of different ways.

This week, Primary 1 wrote fantastic instructions to tell us how to make some tasty Scottish shortbread. Some of us even had a go at making the shortbread and it looked delicious! Well done Primary 1.

Primary 2 have been really focusing on developing our V.C.O.P. in Writing and learning about nouns and verbs. We have had lots of fun doing so and played some good games during our live lessons.

Here are some pictures of this week 😀