Week 1 Round up

Well done Primary 1/2. We have completed the first week of home learning!

A huge thank to you to all of your and your families for working so hard this week and for sticking with me through a few technical issues!

In Literacy, we all designed and described our own snowman. It even snowed on the same day, it was clearly meant to be. We used the writing bubbles to help us write different descriptive sentences. Primary 1 have worked hard with their sounds and their tricky words. Primary 2 were practising their comprehension skills in reading and counting syllables in phonics.

In Numeracy, we have done a little bit of revision on shape. We have revised 2D and 3D shape. We can identify and name 2D and 3D shapes and I think we will all be singing the 3D shape song for days to come. Primary 2 also did a little bit of work on telling the time to the hour. Primary 2 did brilliantly well on Sumdog, see results below.

Primary 2 Sumdog – Week 11.1.21 
1st – Olivia and Keri 
2nd – Leo
3rd – Blair

Here is a small selection of some pictures from this week.