August 2020 – Our Work

Primary 1/2 are settling well in to their new classroom.
I know it was tricky at the beginning of term and starting school is a huge change for all the boys and girls in Primary 1, but I am proud of how quickly the class have adapted to new routines of school. Well done Primary 1!!

Primary 1
Literacy and Phonics
Primary 1 have been focussing on Phonological Awareness. We have been learning about syllables, rhyming words and really developing our listening skills. We know that words can be broken down in to syllables. We also know that rhyming words are two words that sound the same and the end of the word. We are continuing to develop our Phonological Awareness for the next few weeks with a focus on alliteration, oral blending and segmenting and attention and listening.
We have been learning about numbers to 10, counting forwards and backwards, practising our number formation and using our number line to recognise numbers. We are continuing to work on number to 10, focusing on; counting forwards and backwards, number recognition, number formation, numbers before and after, finding the missing number  and counting collections.
Across the Curriculum
Each morning we do our class calendar, discussing the days of the week, months of the year and the daily weather.
Our topic has been ‘All About Me’. We have been learning about each other and really getting to know our likes and dislikes. Looking at our hair and eye colour to make graphs/ We are continuing to look at ways to look after out bodies and learning about our 5 senses. We have also been learning about our school and the school rules and values.


Primary 2
Primary 2 have returned to school with resilience and a positive attitude. They have adapted to the change of routines well and are settling back in to work! 🙂
Phonics and Literacy
We have been revising all our sounds and applying them when reading and writing. Term 1 will focus on revising Phase 2 and 3 sounds, high frequency words and tricky words. I am so impressed with how much the children have retained over such a long time away from school. We will be ready to move on to Phase 4 soon. Primary 2 are also working on independent writing, concentrating on our work and really trying out best to do our most beautiful handwriting at all times. We have introduced new reading books and children are encouraged to read this every day. I will read with the children 3 times a week.
We are working on numbers to 50, looking at place value, number sequencing, finding the missing number, numbers before and after and addition and subtraction.
Beyond number we will be looking at Time and Shape.

Have a look at what we have been up to…