New Seating Plan

Primary 6 have been busy cutting and sticking their own seating plan designs.

We worked in trios to design a new seating plan and there was a winning team.

We trialled the new seating plan for two days but we are now back to our original tables.

Check us out below!




Our First Post!

This is our Primary 6 blog created on 2nd September 2016. Our class consists of 33 children – 14 boys and 19 girls.

As a class, we came up with a class charter that we have all agreed to follow.

  • Be respectful towards other children, adults and school property.
  • Try hard to achieve and reach our full potential.
  • Show an awareness of people’s feelings.
  • Demonstrate that we can work successfully both independently and with others.
  • Arrive each day with a positive and upbeat attitude.
