Full Marks for Harry!


Every year, the pupils of Largs Academy take part in Maths challenge. The Intermediate UKMT Mathematical Challenge is a UK wide problem solving competition, involving around 250 000 pupils in S3 and S4 from over 4000 schools across the UK. The Challenge consist of 25 progressively difficult mathematical problems which stretch the pupils beyond the demands of the normal curriculum – really making them think!

Harry achieved full marks – 135 out of 135. This is a remarkable achievement.

Harry’s maths teacher, Mr Stevenson, told us about the magnitude of the event: “To put it into context, a Gold certificate, an achievement in itself, is awarded for a score of 78 and above. This Challenge is sat by the more able pupils in each school and only 6% of these achieved a Gold certificate. Only 80 pupils out of the 250 000 pupils attempting the Challenge achieved full marks. This puts Harry in an elite group of very talented mathematicians.”

Harry has now been invited to take part in the Mathematical Olympiad Hamilton competition. Look out for news of how he gets on!

Massive well done, Harry!


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