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In P.E we have been doing athletics and tennis but today we started to play golf.We were learning to putt the ball.Near the end of P.E We were putting the ball across the hall and trying to get it into a cone that was facing up with a bean bag below it so you could hit the ball into the cone.


Welcome Back

Our class had a really nice Easter holidays and are ready to get back to work.

We have started a class novel called ‘Born to Run’ and we are all enjoying it. It is a story written by a famous children’s Author, Michael Morpurgo and we have been doing lots of follow up work on the story.

STEM afternoon

On Tuesday 20th March we held an open afternoon for friends and family to come in and see all of our STEM work. We also had a challenge for the adults to help us. The challenge involved measure, money, engineering skills and design. We had to build a bridge only using sellotape, paper and paper clips we also had to stick to a budget. The parents enjoyed their visit and it was fun sharing their ideas and working with them.

STEM challenge

We have been designing and building a model. We have used wood, glue, paper straws and wheels. This is connected to our engineering project. We have also written a letter to an engineer describing our models and how they work.

New Topic

Our new topic is the Native Americans. We have been looking at different tribes and regions such as the great plains. We have been working on art, listening and responding to traditional Native American music with creative dance and discussed what we would like to find out in the topic.

Problem Solving

We have been using different problem solving strategies, such as; Guess, check and improve; Try a simpler case; Work backwards and Work together. These have been helping us with different types of challenges and real life learning.