Numeracy Three Year Strategy


Auchenharvie Academy



Numeracy Three Year Strategy

December 2016



All teachers have responsibility for promoting the development of numeracy.  With an increased emphasis upon numeracy for all young people, teachers will need to plan to revisit and consolidate numeracy skills throughout school.                                                   Building the Curriculum 1

 Auchenharvie Academy is fully committed to raising the standards of attainment and achievement for all learners. Regardless of the learner’s stage, we consider the ongoing development of numeracy to be a key driver in improving overall standards of attainment. We also believe that effectively delivering improvements in numeracy across our curriculum will assist in bridging the attainment gap created by socio-economic factors such as deprivation.  To do this we are seeking to develop numeracy skills by consistent and accurate application across learning. This should reduce confusion, while improving understanding and retention.

Numeracy is a fundamental life skill. Being numerate involves developing a confidence and competence in using number that allows individuals to solve problems, interpret and analyse information, make informed decisions, function responsibly in everyday life and contribute effectively to society. It gives increased opportunities within the world of work and sets down foundations which can be built upon through life-long learning. Numeracy is a core skill which permeates all areas of learning, allowing pupils the opportunity to access the wider curriculum and contributes strongly to the development of all four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence. Numerical skills can be consolidated and enhanced when pupils have opportunities to apply and develop them across the curriculum. Poor numerical skills hold back pupils’ progress and can lower their self-esteem. It is therefore important that all teachers continue to look for opportunities to develop and reinforce numeracy skills within their own activities and through inter-disciplinary projects and studies.

Numeracy Themes

The Numeracy outcomes are based around the following organisers:

  • Estimation and rounding
  • Number and number processes
  • Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages (incorporating ratio & proportion)
  • Money
  • Time
  • Measurement
  • Data and analysis
  • Ideas of chance and uncertainty

Teachers should provide opportunities to:

  • Handle number and measurement competently (mentally, orally and in writing)
  • Use calculators accurately, effectively and appropriately
  • Interpret and use numerical and statistical data represented in a variety of ways.

Our long term numeracy strategy seeks to raise awareness, develop personal and professional knowledge and to actively implement a rigorous programme of developing numeracy across all aspects of our school curriculum. Central to the success of this strategy is the effective partnerships that exist between Auchenharvie Academy staff, parents and carers, our partner agencies and, crucially, our learners.

Auchenharvie Academy will work with outside agencies and partners such as Education Scotland and SQA to enhance numeracy provision across our school. We will contribute nationally, as requested by the Scottish Government and North Ayrshire Council, and plan appropriately for future developments based on the results of SSLN and other national data.

Developing numeracy is the responsibility of all and will be a cornerstone of the Auchenharvie Academy curriculum. High level numeracy skills will be developed through a range of departmental and whole school strategies. This will allow subject specific numeracy to be developed discretely and also allow for transferable numeracy skills to be developed across subjects through the effective use of interdisciplinary learning and whole school structures (assemblies, personal support and pupil council forums).

Staff knowledge, and practical application of experiences and outcomes pertaining to numeracy across learning, will be enhanced through professional dialogue and opportunities for continuing professional development. It is intended that following initial awareness raising and audit of our current position that staff and learners will benefit from consistent delivery, moderation and reporting of numeracy aspects within CfE.  The school numeracy policy has been developed by the numeracy working group working with all Faculties. This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis.

Auchenharvie Academy values parental engagement and actively seeks to improve parental links to enhance outcomes for all learners. This will continue through active opportunities for parents and carers to develop their own knowledge and skills relating to numeracy across learning. A series of parental engagement events will be organised to support parents and to encourage high quality home support in the overall development of numeracy. This will be an important aspect of the long term whole school numeracy strategy. It is important that we strive towards equity for all pupils, no matter their backgrounds and home support, so that we can close the attainment gap. This will be done by working in collaboration with pupils, parents and family learning staff.



The following table identifies the 3 year strategy for numeracy development in Auchenharvie Academy. Whilst staff, pupils, and parents are documented separately, numeracy will be developed holistically throughout the school and will feature prominently in the school improvement planning process.

Details Task Staff Timescale Intended Impact Monitoring Progress
Year 1: 2016/17          
Pupils Collaborate with cluster in order to improve quality of data generated during transition period.





Numeracy key skills support booklet, with answers, written and issued to all P7 learners (& parents) at P7 open evening.








Competition to design numeracy logo was undertaken by S1 pupils. The winning logo to be used throughout the school to represent numeracy.


Pupils will be given the opportunity to participate in numeracy focus groups




Numeracy skills routinely highlighted in lessons.





Pupils will benefit from a consistent approach in teaching numeracy. Staff will be able to refer to the common methodology booklet to ensure that pupils are taught using the same method across subjects in order that no confusion takes place.



Senior pupils will be given the opportunity to build on S4 numerical success regardless of level.








Targeted support will be in place for those identified, from school data, who are not continuing with the study of mathematics, but who have the opportunity to gain a further numeracy qualification.




“Mymaths” purchased, which is an interactive program, with lessons and homework which will be used to improve numeracy skills from S1 to S6.





Pupil assemblies will be held that showcase numeracy across the curriculum.






A poster will be made to promote numeracy for each classroom.



Maths Faculty Staff/Cluster  colleagues





Maths Faculty staff









Numeracy working Group



Maths Faculty




All staff







All staff








Maths Staff



















Maths staff






All Faculties









June 2016








Nov 2016










August 2016





April 2017




All session







All session








All session













All session




















Dec 2016

This will allow more effective planning in the secondary sector which increases appropriate pace and challenge for learners. Learners building on prior achievement with appropriate support targeted immediately.


Increase in learner’s confidence with and awareness of key skills, improvement in numerical based attainment.  Improved parental engagement and confidence in supporting learners.



Raised profile of numeracy across the curriculum.  Clear visual of where numeracy is being taught across learning.


Pupils given voice so that appropriate changes to teaching and learning can be made


Awareness/reinforcement of transferable numeracy skills as they naturally occur in all curricular areas.



Standard methods will be used to confidently deliver numeracy in all curricular areas.


Numerical progression will be encouraged either with N5 following on from N4 success or next level up numeracy with Personal Finance for those who can’t cope with the full course.  This will provide opportunity to maximise numerical attainment for all stakeholders.



Pupils will benefit from the opportunity to progress numerically, if realistically possible, to maximise attainment potential.



Awareness of and increase in learner’s confidence in identifying key numerical skills S1-6, supporting continued improvement in numerical based attainment across all curricular areas.



Pupils will be more aware of where numeracy is used in each subject they study.





This will act as a reminder to staff to inform their pupils, when and where, they are using numeracy within their lesson.

Implemented pre summer 2016 in time for induction visit.  Learning groups reviewed October 2016.




Issued to all P7 Nov 2016.








Logo on staff intranet and staff reminded to use it on a regular basis.



Survey monkey to be used to find out views.





Common methodology guidance issued to all staff.  This will be reviewed annually.



















Pupils will be extracted from skills and RMPS to sit the interdisciplinary numeracy assessment.



Pupil’s progress will be tracked via the pupil reports on the mymaths system.






A focus group will be used to determine the success of raising awareness of numeracy.



Will audit which classrooms are displaying the posters in February.

Parents & carers







S1 parents sent a letter inviting them to attend numeracy workshop.



Interested parents invited to attend workshop in May.



Promote the maths Facebook page as a means of communicating with parents.




Conduct a survey with parents to find their views on different aspects of family learning.














Working group






Nov 2016














Increased engagement with parents



Increase in parental confidence in ability to support learners at home.


Will be used to keep parents and pupils more informed about homework and assessments.


This will allow increased parental engagement and let them understand that their views are vital to driving change.

Returns from parents collated.


Evaluations sheets to be completed by parents after attending the workshop.


Parental uptake will be assessed by the number of people who “like” the page.


Results will effect change.

Staff Opportunities provided for staff numeracy development sessions – CPD.

Two collegiate sessions organised with the PLA.

Session 1 looking at the progression of core numeracy skills from Level 1 to Level 3.

Session 2 Looking at what Level 3 numeracy looks like.



Numeracy across the curriculum booklet to be issued to all new staff.








Three pieces of pupils work at Level 3 to be collected  twice a year to showcase numeracy across the curriculum




P7-S1 Transition arrangement reviewed.








Schemes of work to be audited to make sure that the benchmarks are fully covered across the curriculum. They will be updated to reflect the benchmarks.






Holistic assessments to be produced for Level 3 and Level 4 numeracy that will cover a variety of E’s and O’s.

Open to all AA staff










Working group














MF/P7 staff









Jan to June









Jan to June


















January 2017








Dec 2016

May 2017





April 2017








Maths working group







Maths Faculty





Confidence in delivery of numeracy in the classroom and making assessment judgements.


Consistency in delivery of numeracy in all curricular areas.



Clear visuals of transferable numerical skills and their relevance in various curricular areas.  Reinforce importance/relevance of numeracy as a responsibility of all



To quality assure standards across the curriculum.




To ensure consistency across the sectors and that Secondary staff are more informed about the capabilities of each pupil.





To make sure that there is complete coverage across the curriculum of all the benchmarks for numeracy.






The number of assessments will be reduced.


Staff will complete an evaluation at the end of each session.








Implemented.  Copies available in numeracy folder on public drive.






Will be used as materials for staff training 2017/2018.




P7 staff to be invited to meet with MF to discuss the transition information.






Pupils will be taught all the numeracy content at the correct level.







Samples of pupils work to be assessed at department meetings to ensure consistency of Levels.

Details Task Staff Timescale Intended Impact Monitoring Progress
Year 2: 2017/18          

Collaborate with cluster in order to improve quality of data generated during transition period.








Numeracy focus groups.





Numeracy key skills support booklet available to all S1 learners & parents.








Numeracy key skills support booklet available to all P7 learners & parents at P7 open evening.






Numeracy skills routinely highlighted in class.




Senior pupils will be given the opportunity to build on S4 numerical success regardless of level.






Targeted support will be in place for those identified, from school data, who are not continuing with the study of mathematics, but who have the opportunity to gain a further numeracy qualification.



Numeracy Ambassadors to be appointed.






New numeracy resources will be produced using Kahoots.





Numeracy themed IDL project for S2


Maths Faculty Staff/ Cluster colleagues







Numeracy working group




Maths Staff










Maths staff







All staff





Maths staff
















Maths dept











Working group












May/Jun 2017




Aug 2017










Nov 2017













Ongoing from Aug 2017






















This will allow more effective planning in the secondary sector which increases appropriate pace and challenge for learners. Learners building on prior achievement with appropriate support targeted immediately.



Consideration of pupil voice in developing numeracy across learning to meet learner’s needs. Evaluation of impact session 2016-17


Increase in learner’s confidence with and awareness of key skills, improvement in numerical based attainment.  Improved parental engagement and confidence in supporting learners.



Pupils benefit from consistent approach across all curricular areas. Awareness/reinforcement of transferable numeracy skills as they naturally occur in all curricular areas.


Numerical progression will be encouraged either with N5 following on from N4 success or next level up numeracy with Personal Finance for those who can’t cope with the full course.  This will provide opportunity to maximise numerical attainment for all stakeholders.


Pupils will benefit from the opportunity to progress numerically, if realistically possible, to maximise attainment potential.



Pupils will promote numeracy by being part of the literacy and numeracy peer assisted learning programme.



Fun way to practice numeracy skills.




Pupils to experience numeracy in action across the curriculum.





























































Pupil survey.





Pupil evaluations at end of project.

Parents & carers S1 parents sent a letter inviting them to attend numeracy workshop.



Interested parents invited to attend workshop in January.



Update school website to inform parents of numeracy strategies across the curriculum.



To work with family learning staff to facilitate improvement in numeracy skills.





Maths staff




Numeracy working group.




All staff

Nov 2017




Jan 2018




Throughout the session.




As required

Increased engagement with parents



Increase in parental confidence in ability to support learners at home.



Increased engagement with parents



Working with parents to ensure equity and work on closing attainment gap.


Returns from parents collated.


Evaluations sheets to be completed by parents after attending the workshop.


Staff CPD – numeracy development

Session 3: moderation of numeracy Es & Os at third level from a range of work across the curriculum. Will use the evaluation sheets used by QAMSO to check consistency of Levels.




Numeracy across the curriculum booklet to be updated to reflect any recent numeracy research and issued to all staff.






IDL planning to be undertaken to organise project for S2.



Three pieces of pupils work at Level 3 to be collected  twice a year to showcase numeracy across the curriculum











All Staff









Numeracy working group






All staff










 Session 2017/18




















Dec 2017

May 2018

Improved understanding of the current delivery of Es & Os across the BGE.







Clear visuals of transferable numerical skills and their relevance in various curricular areas.  Reinforce importance/relevance of numeracy as a responsibility of all


Staff more aware of numeracy across learning via the project.


To see what the impact staff training has had on the quality of resources used to assess numeracy at Level 3 across the curriculum.













Copy on intranet.





Staff views sought on what worked well and what needs to be improved.





Work more consistently at Level 3.




Work with the cluster to organise maths clubs for P7 pupils.


Maths staff/cluster




Ongoing throughout session.


This will give staff from primary and secondary an opportunity to work collaboratively in order to make the transition process smoother.





Details Task Staff Timescale Intended Impact Monitoring Progress
Year 3: 2018/19          

Collaborate with cluster in order to improve quality of data generated during transition period.





Pupils will benefit from the opportunity to participate in numeracy focus groups.








Numeracy key skills support booklet available to all S1 learners & parents.





Numeracy key skills support booklet available to all P7 learners & parents at P7 open evening.



Numeracy skills routinely highlighted in class.









Pupil assemblies will be held that showcase numeracy across the curriculum.







Senior pupils will be given the opportunity to build on S4 numerical success regardless of level.










Targeted support will be in place for those identified, from school data, who are not continuing with the study of mathematics, but who have the opportunity to gain a further numeracy qualification.






Numeracy themed IDL project to be organised for S2.



Interhouse competition to be organised to promote numeracy across the school and raise its profile.




Numeracy Ambassadors to be appointed.










Maths Faculty Staff/ Cluster colleagues





Numeracy working group







Maths Faculty Staff






All staff














Numeracy Ambassadors



















Maths staff










Numeracy working group



May/June 2018







June 2018










Aug 2018






Nov 2018






















Ongoing from Aug 2018
























During the session







This will allow more effective planning in the secondary sector which increases appropriate pace and challenge for learners. Learners building on prior achievement with appropriate support targeted immediately.


Evaluation of impact session 2017-18.  Pupil feedback to develop efficacy of numeracy across learning strategies.






Increase in learner’s confidence with key skills, improvement in numerical attainment.  Improved parental engagement and confidence in supporting learners.




Pupils will benefit from consistent approach in all curricular areas highlighting transferable skills.

Increase in learner confidence.  Improved numeracy skills for all.



Pupils will be more aware of where numeracy is used in each subject they study.






Numerical progression will be encouraged either with N5 following on from N4 success or next level up numeracy with Personal Finance for those who can’t cope with the full course.  This will provide opportunity to maximise numerical attainment for all stakeholders.


Pupils will benefit from the opportunity to progress numerically, if realistically possible, to maximise attainment potential.





Pupils to experience numeracy in action across the curriculum.



Opportunity to showcase numeracy skills in a competitive environment.



Pupils will promote numeracy by being part of the literacy and numeracy peer assisted learning programme.


Parents & carers Offer parental numeracy workshops for BGE after asking parents what they want to learn at the workshops.





Liaise with Family learning to provide support as required.

Maths Faculty






Jan 2019








Increased awareness of the importance of numeracy across learning.

Identify specific parental needs relating to development of numeracy for future sessions.


Increased parental confidence in ability to support learners at home.

Staff Opportunities provided for staff numeracy development sessions – CPD









Numeracy across learning to feature as focus of formal classroom observations.



Exemplification of pupil ‘numeracy’ work to be displayed and celebrated throughout all departments.



Three pieces of pupils work at Level 3 to be collected  twice a year to showcase numeracy across the curriculum




Numeracy IDL project to be updated after reviewing consultation with staff and pupils on how it went the previous year.

MF- Open to all staff.





All staff


Working group






Working group

Throughout the session





As per QA calendar


Throughout the session

Dec 2018

May 2019





Improved staff confidence in various aspects of numeracy across learning.


Improved understanding of the current delivery of numeracy Es and Os through the BGE.



Evidence of delivery of numeracy skills across subject areas.


Pupil achievements celebrated across school, raising numeracy profile.



To quality assure standards across the curriculum




Current S2 are able to experience improved version of project.




Continue to offer maths clubs for P7 pupils. Maths Faculty




All session




This will allow the maths staff to get to know the pupils before they arrive in S1.  


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