
What are Modern Languages?

Being able to speak another language gives you a wonderful opportunity to travel, study, work and live all over the world and to experience other countries and their cultures.  Learning a language is challenging, fun, engaging and exciting.  Foreign language skills are essential in today’s world; they are sought after by many employers and they complement a huge range of jobs.  A foreign language can be combined with another subject at university, eg French and Law.  You could even do a term or a year of your university degree in an another country, eg Architecture in Germany.

What skills are developed?

  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • ICT skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Teamwork
  • The ability to speak another language is an essential skill in itself in today’s global society

What kind of person does it take?

Someone who…

  • Has an interest in current affairs and media
  • Enjoys learning about other countries and their cultures, eg film and music
  • Enjoys communicating
  • Enjoys problem solving
  • Enjoys working in small groups
  • Enjoys meeting new people

Horizons – where can this subject take you?

Foreign language skills are a plus on any CV and complement many different careers.

Career options are vast but could include:

Primary teaching, teaching English as a foreign language, translation and interpreting.  Industries that look for graduates with language skills include the media, PR, finance, banking, tourism, consulting or working internationally with a charity or as part of a business that trades internationally.

Further job categories can be found here.

Pathways – how can I progress?


Some knowledge and skills useful in other languages.


  • See Horizons above – many diverse courses on offer at Scottish colleges



Languages courses on offer at university example

Modern languages go with all other subjects and work particularly well with:

Travel and tourism, Business, English, History, Modern Studies, Philosophy, RMPS, Law






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