Why is a qualification in English important?
Employers, colleges and universities will require a qualification in English. It shows:
- you have the ability to understand what you are reading
- you are competent at writing in a variety of ways
- you are able to work well with others through your talking and listening skills
A qualification in English also includes a qualification in literacy.
What skills are developed?
- Communication: reading, writing, talking and listening
- Understanding
- Skills of analysis
- Literacy
- Presenting an argument
- Skills of persuasion
- Evaluating
- Planning and research
- Handling complex ideas
What kind of person does it take?
- Ability to organise ideas with a clear line of thought
- Creative
- Imaginative
- Ability to work with others at times
- Ability to work independently at times
- Resilient
- Determined
Horizons – where can this subject take you?
This qualification shows a large range of skills that can take you anywhere. Some ideas are:
Advertising and marketing; Journalism / Media / Publishing / Administration; Health and Social Care; Business; Business and Law; Teaching and Education; Government and Politics; Science and Research; Art, Design and Technology
Pathways – how can I make progression?
- N4 English, N5 English, Higher English, Advanced Higher (uptake dependent)
- Entry requirement for H English – N5 English (C5)
- Entry requirement for AH English – H English (B4)
- Many course available at Moray College
- Also most courses will require a qualification in English – check your chosen course to see what the requirement is
- See the list above in Horizons
- Most employers will require a qualification in English or literacy
See the list above in Horizons – also check the course prospectus to see if English is a requirement in courses other than those shown above.
Related subjects English works well with
A level of literacy is required in every subject to enable you to understand the content of the course. English works well with subjects which require essay writing skills: Art, RME, History, Modern Studies, Geography. It also works well with any other subject where you use skills of analysis and evaluation.