Offers careers advice, guidance and information to pupils in school, and to people of all ages in Scotland. Careers Advisers offer free and impartial advice on employment, education and training.
In school, pupils will meet a careers adviser in group sessions during PSE or Wellbeing and Attainment, during drop-in appointments and face-to-face coaching, where appropriate. This is supported by Scotland’s careers and information web service My World of Work – see link to the side. For more information about what Skills Development Scotland do in schools please follow the below link:
Jayne Porter is the Careers Adviser for Milne’s High School and is usually in school on a Tuesday and Thursday and can be found in Room 24. Drop in appointments or quick questions can be answered at lunchtimes from 1.30 pm. Jayne will also be available for parents’ and information evenings. Want to make an appointment? Get in touch by clicking below:

Contact info for Jayne:
Mobile - 07917 200990
email -
Twitter - @mhs_sds
Main SDS office - 232 High Street, Elgin or 0300 0132102
Further information about subject choices and useful advice for parents can be found at or
When it comes to moving on from school – there’s increased support for those who need it most from our Work Coaches.
They’ll keep working with young people until they’re in a job, training, apprenticeship or further or higher education.