Tag Archives: outdoor learning

P2/3 Term 3 Update

P2/3 have had a great start to 2023! We have been busy learning both in class and outside in Adventure Island – although we are hoping that we’ve seen the last of the snow in Adventure Island for this year!

Maths & Numeracy

We started Term 3 by looking at and making continuing patterns. The children could recognise patterns made with objects and shapes and applied this knowledge to number patterns too.

Our pizza shop in the role play area helped us to learn more about fractions and we have explored how to find a half, a quarter and a third.

Learning about fractions really helped as we moved on to ‘time’. Understanding what a half and quarter is made reading the time on a 12-hour clock a little easier. The children have learned about the minute and hour hands and are confident in reading o’clock and half past times. We have also looked at quarter past and too, and even telling the time to 5 minutes.

Learning about clockwise and anticlockwise has led us in to our position and direction block of learning and it has been fun to follow and give directions to our friends using mathematical vocabulary. We are now having fun programming the BeeBots to follow our route!


P2/3 continue to read everyday – in groups and as a whole class. The children really enjoy stories and this term we have chosen to read a chapter book to end each day. Mr Fox by Roald Dahl has been a big hit!

The children have continued to learn through ‘Talk for Writing’ and this term have concentrated on journey stories. By following the original story structure, the children have become confident in changing the main characters and settings through the innovation stage. They have been learning to use time connectives and sentence openers to make their writing more exciting.

Health & Wellbeing

Our main focus in PE has been to improve our fitness and exercise techiniques through circuit training. All the children increased their number of repetitions over the term, but the best progress has been made in  their technique – we have some fanatastic demonstrators of squats, sit-ups and even burpees!

Other Curricular Areas

The first half of the term we focused on all things ‘Scotland’. The children learned about the Scots language through stories, poetry and songs. They also found out about the Scottish Colourist Painter, Samual Peploe and created paintings in his style.

Over the second part of the term, we have learned about the weather and the water cycle. Miss Ritchie has joined our class again and has delivered some exciting science lessons!

Sharon from the Royal Voluntary Society has also visited for the final time this year and this time taught us all about different types of bees and how they help us. We planted sunflowers to encourage the bees to visit, along with courgettes and peas.

P2/3 Term 2 Update

Maths & Numeracy

We started the term with a focus on money. The children learned to recognise, count and make amounts, as well as calculating change. This learning has continued in our play as the children now have a weekly ‘budget’ of 50p to spend on art & craft materials and for hiring equipment such as the laptops and the Promethean Board.

We have also spent time learning about multiplication and division and strategies to help us solve calculations.

We are currently learning about 2D shapes and 3D objects.


The children continue to read in groups every day and complete Higher Order Reading challenges on a Friday.

Our phonics group have completed their learning of all the single sounds and will be moving on to learn about digraphs – two letters that make one sound. We call these ‘special friends’.

The spelling group have continued to make great progress with their Wraparound programme and are applying this learning across reading and writing.

Spelling words and phonic sounds can be found each week on Google Classroom.

This term, our Talk for Writing unit has concentrated on creating character descriptions. The children have enjoyed creating their characters to add to out class story – ‘Finding a Friend’.

Health & Wellbeing

The children have been learning Gymnastics this term with Miss Masson. They have focused on balance, rolling and creating sequences.

We have also continued with our weekly Yoga. The children enjoy following the moves along with the story while developing their strength and flexibility.

Other Curricular Areas

This term our learning in P2/3 has been led by the events we have celebrated such as Bonfire Night, Remembrance and Christmas. Lots of our play activities have come about because of the children’s interest in these events.

We are looking forward to ending the term with our Carol services!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone!

P2/3 Termly Update

As we head towards the end of another school term and school year, it’s great to look back at all the learning that has taken place.

In P2/3, we have enjoyed getting outside each week to the outdoor classroom – our very own Adventure Island. The children have amazing imaginations and are becoming skilled at designing, building and working as a team. It was fantastic to share our Adventure Island with parents and we really hope you had as much fun as we do!

Over the past two terms we have covered a range of topics in Maths & Numeracy including: Measurement – length, mass and capacity; Multiplication and Division – focusing on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and Fractions. We will be learning about time between now and the end of term.

Although we have still been covering reading and spelling each week, our new literacy focus has been to use the Talk for Writing approach.  The children have learned the words and actions for two stories – Rosie’s Walk and Charlie. They have had opportunities to ‘play’ out the stories before drawing their own story maps and changing parts to make a new story of their own.

Through IDL we have learned about Scotland, Global Goals, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds and are now concentrating on planning Pilmuir’s 40th Birthday Party!

Everyday we continue to learn through play. It is great to see the children’s creative, problem solving, collaborative and thinking skills in action. If you would like to see more of our learning journey over the past two terms, please click on the links below to access our class SWAY. There are so many photo’s – we have had to make 3!

Go to this Sway
Go to this Sway
Go to this Sway

This term, instead of a whole class learning journey, we have trialled ‘Focus Children’ for a more personal report. The link to your child’s very own learning journey SWAY can be found in the Google Classroom.

Riding for the Disabled

Riding for the Disabled Moray are back in operation after winter storm damage meant they could no longer use their Burgie location. They have secured new premises at Miltonduff and carried out extensive work in order to resume the riding sessions this month. There have been news articles in the local newspapers to publicise this and currently the Co-op have them as one of their featured charities.


P2/3 Termly Update – December 2021

It has been a very busy term so far and the children have been concentrating on learning the songs, lines and actions for our Nativity – ‘Hey Ewe’. We now have two versions of the Nativity for you to watch using the links that have been sent out.

I think you will agree they have done an amazing job!

In Mathematics and Numeracy, the children have been learning all about 2D shapes and 3D objects and have applied their learning when designing and building models.  Money has been introduced during independent learning with the children each being given a budget of 10p per day to spend on art and craft materials or renting ICT equipment. This has led to lots of discussions about making amounts, receiving change, saving and collaborating with others to make their money go further. The children still find very imaginative ways to include mathematics into their independent learning as you can see….

We are still reading every morning in our groups and learning new sounds and spelling patterns through Wraparound Spelling and Phonics. Mrs Kinlin’s phonics group even showed off their learning by demonstrating how they stretch the sounds during our class assembly.

Adventure Island remains the highlight of the week, even with the weather turning colder. We have recently purchased new equipment for the children to use, including tarpaulins, ropes and bungee cords. To celebrate the end of the year, we warmed up with a hot chocolate!

Looking forward to next year – we will be learning about Scotland, Robbie Burns and traditional foods and drink, before starting a new IDL concentrating on being eco friendly and the Global Goals for Sustainability. In mathematics we will learn about multiplication, division and fractions.

Writing will be the focus of our literacy learning next term as we begin to use the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach.

Please have a look through our class sway to see all the photos of our learning this term.

Go to this Sway
Go to this Sway

We wish you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

P6 Term 2 Newsletter

Woodland Group

All the class have now had the opportunity to gain their Hi5 award and have been looking after their local environment.  Hi5 Awards | Youth Scotland

During independent learning, some of the children have been learning magic tricks with playing cards.  They have also mastered Uno Flip and various card games as well as perfecting their origami skills.


In Embodied Learning, we have been practising yoga and mindfulness and learning to move our bodies in lots of different ways to help us express our feelings.  The children have all enjoyed the programme immensely and a Sway with photos and video clips is in production.


We have been learning to convert 12 hour to 24 hour time and reading and creating timetables.  We have also been practising mental maths and converting larger numbers from Roman Numerals.


We have been working on exciting writing and so far we have explored how to describe a setting for a story.  We will be working on characterisation next term.  We have also been exploring parts of speech, such as verbs, nouns, adverbs and adjectives.

Class Advent Calendar Class Advent Calendar

We look forward to welcoming Mrs Malcolm as our new teacher in January and it was good to have a Google meet with her.

World Book Day – The Green Man

Mrs Ramsay read us the story of The Green Man about a prince who went into the forest. The prince went for a swim, someone took the prince’s clothes. When he came out of the water he realised his clothes were gone and made himself a covering from things from the forest. He learned how to look after the animals and the forest.

We went out into the playground and went into groups. When we were in our groups, we all collected leaves and sticks. We made our own Green Man model using the things we collected.