Category Archives: Primary 6

Coding taster

Some P6 pupils have enjoyed learning how to code with Ms Hakim. They have made use of the Beebots, programs on the Ipad and Scratch. This is what they had to say:

“Getting to use the coding games on the Ipad was fun.”

“I enjoyed using Scratch.”

“It was good, really fun.”

“Scratch is good if you are someone who likes to create animations.”

“I liked using the Lightbot.”

P6 Term 2 Newsletter

Woodland Group

All the class have now had the opportunity to gain their Hi5 award and have been looking after their local environment.  Hi5 Awards | Youth Scotland

During independent learning, some of the children have been learning magic tricks with playing cards.  They have also mastered Uno Flip and various card games as well as perfecting their origami skills.


In Embodied Learning, we have been practising yoga and mindfulness and learning to move our bodies in lots of different ways to help us express our feelings.  The children have all enjoyed the programme immensely and a Sway with photos and video clips is in production.


We have been learning to convert 12 hour to 24 hour time and reading and creating timetables.  We have also been practising mental maths and converting larger numbers from Roman Numerals.


We have been working on exciting writing and so far we have explored how to describe a setting for a story.  We will be working on characterisation next term.  We have also been exploring parts of speech, such as verbs, nouns, adverbs and adjectives.

Class Advent Calendar Class Advent Calendar

We look forward to welcoming Mrs Malcolm as our new teacher in January and it was good to have a Google meet with her.

Get Into Summer

Get into Summer is a Scottish Government supported initiative to help children, young people and families have fun, socialise with their peers and reconnect with their communities throughout the holiday period

There are lots of activities on offer from council services, local clubs and communiy groups. Click here to be taken to the activities list.

The Active Schools, Sports and Physical Activity Opportunities programme for Moray can be accessed by clicking here.  This programme is in addition to the activities shown below.

Keep checking back for further details as we’re working with our partners to bring you even more fun activities.

Active Schools Cross Country Series

Active Schools Virtual Family Cross Country Series March & April 2021

 It is usually around this time of year that children from across Moray are taking part in our Cross Country Competition. With the current lockdown we can’t bring this event to you, but we are keen to continue to encourage and support children, young people and their families to be more active, more often.  With this in mind we are launching our Family Cross Country Series taking place in March & April 2021.  This is FREE and is a series of 4 virtual fun runs that can be done in and around your local area, in your own time and the best thing is – you choose your own route and select the distance from those provided that you wish to complete. Suggested 800m P1-3, 1600m (1 mile) P4-7, 1600m (1 mile) or 3200m (2 mile) S1-6.

This series will commence on the 8th of March with runners completing two qualifying runs before 1st April and 2 qualifying runs before 1st May (a total of 4 runs).  As per the attached poster there are recommended minimum distances for the P1-3 and P4-7 age group (but participants can select either of the distances if they are perhaps new to running, returning to running or indeed want more of a challenge!)  Every pupil that completes a run will receive an email participation certificate with those who manage all 4 runs receiving a series completion certificate. We will also showcase the participation figures per Primary School, Secondary School and School Cluster and then award schools with the highest percentage of pupils taking part as our ‘Active Moray Virtual Cross Country Series Champions’.

Those families or individuals wishing to take part can complete registration via this link on our website:-

Runs will be verified by sending your Active Schools team a photograph you taking part or your route. Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email with more details of this.

There is no deadline for signing up, and entry forms will be accepted at any point throughout the Series.

Throughout the series some top ‘running tips’ will be sent out in conjunction with our own local runner and athlete Kenny Wilson to help you along the way and encourage regular physical activity in the outdoors throughout the series. We really hope you enjoy the series and please do send us photos and stories of you and your families taking part and we will share this on our Facebook page.

We are hoping to run another series for May and June taking us to the end of the school academic year.


Rosalyn & Craig

Winter Wanderland

Findhorn Bay Arts invite you to be part of Window Wanderland, an exciting covid-safe community project taking place across Forres over Valentine’s weekend. Families can create window-based artworks in their own homes with the theme LOVE IS… and switch on your lights on Friday 12, Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 of February from 5 – 9pm and be part of an illuminated outdoor gallery.

Taking part is FREE and everyone of all ages are welcome to participate. You can use the windows of your flat, house, business, school, nursery, car, camper van, shop. It doesn’t even have to be windows, you can also use your front door, garden shed, conservatory. Window Wanderland Forres … simple or spectacular… anything goes… as long as it’s family-friendly.

To find out more and register as a window maker and on our map, visit our event page:

We have created a handy crafty video to demonstrate simple ways to create your display using basic materials:

Simple ways to create your display

We also have a budget to provide free materials for families who would otherwise not be able to take part.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the organisers if you have any queries.