Category Archives: P5 2021

Primary 5 – Term 4

In term 4 we have learned to multiply and divide in numeracy. This has led on to us currently working with fractions – writing fractions from pictures, finding equal fractions, calculating fractions of amounts and the link between fractions, decimals and percentages.

In writing we learned the story of Little Charlie using the Talk for Writing process and did lots of work on what makes a good journey story.  We eventually all wrote our own journey stories – they were amazing and all so different.

In art we worked really hard on making detailed drawings of Spring tulips, taking particular notice of the shapes involved.  We used a variety of colours and shades to try and make them look as realistic as possible.  Click on this link to see our work.

We have been continuing to learn a variety of sounds in our spelling work.  We are becoming very good at stretching our words and growing our root words into a range of other words.  We can usually find loads of rhyming words and splitting words into syllables helps us in reading and spelling.  The spelling patterns can be found on the weekly class Thinglink in the Google Classroom.

Over the past few weeks, in P.E. we have been focussing on throwing, catching and batting.  These skills have helped us to be able to play a successful game of rounders.

We begin our day by doing a variety of activities with our peers.  We use our skills of creativity, communication, strategy, problem solving, turn taking, teamwork and many many more.  We also use these skills during FUN 31. Click on this link to see what we have been up to.

Lastly, we have been working really hard on creating individual long stitch tapestries.  We can now thread needles, start off using a new piece of wool, finish off a piece of wool correctly, share spaces on the fabric so that there are no gaps and we are even beginning to help each other with all of this and try to fix our own mistakes!  Miss Masson is very proud of our progress!


We have had a very busy term in Primary 5!

We have been focussing on describing settings for stories in our writing sessions. Lots of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs have been used. We even managed to squeeze some super similes into our work too.

Short and long vowel sounds have given us thousands of words to spell, practise, stretch and grow this term. We are becoming experts in our Wraparound spelling lessons.

Inference has been the focus of our whole class reading lessons.  We are improving our skills in using clues from texts to answer questions.  We are even managing to add sentences into our writing that need the reader to infer.

In maths we continued with some shape work learning about 2D shapes and their properties.  In numeracy we have recently been learning about place value, reading and writing large numbers and rounding.  One Christmas tree that was made during morning activities cost £1,247,585!

The I.D.L topic of Christmas around the world has allowed us to understand some similarities and differences between Christmas traditions in Scotland and other countries.

We created some echo art during art lessons.  We also collected leaves and sticks and brought them indoors to create pieces of art. They were amazing!

We have been really enjoying doing jigsaws during morning activities and FUN31.  We emailed Mrs Thorley and asked if we could get some Roald Dahl jigsaws……..and she said yes!  They arrived very quickly and we’re making our way through them.

In term 3 we will be focussing on writing character descriptions as beginnings for stories. We will continue to revise our long vowel sounds and move on to other common sounds. In reading we will continue to use our inference skills and also move on to summarising. In numeracy we will focus on mental and written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Our I.D.L. theme in January will be Scotland.

Primary 5

The children in Primary 5 have been very busy since coming back to school in August.

We have started using the Talk for Writing process and wrote some super sets of instructions on how to trap mythical creatures last term.  We shared our learning with P3/4.  We acted out and read our instructions to them.

We have also been working really hard on revising our short vowel sounds.  We have started to use the Wraparound Spelling programme.

We learn to play the ukulele on Thursdays with Mrs Gillies.

In maths we have learned about coordinates, angles, direction, compass directions, symmetry and 3D objects. We have had great fun being creative with our learning during our morning activities too.

In Health and Well-being we have had some great discussions about being Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Responsible and Respected. We still have to cover Included.


In term 2 we will be focussing on writing settings and character descriptions as beginnings for stories.  We will continue to revise our short vowel sounds and move on to the long vowel sounds.  During reading lessons we will focus on the skill of inferring. In Numeracy we will move on to learning about Place Value, Rounding, Estimating, Addition and Subtraction.  Our I.D.L. theme will be Christmas around the World.