Category Archives: P3/4 2022

Term 4

It is always a time for reflection, as we reach the end of the school year.  Primary 3/4 have a achieved so much. They should all be proud of their hard work. Everyone is looking forward now to next year, with new classes and teachers.


This term we have focused on our Talk For Writing topic – change. The class has worked hard to write their own similes, and develop alliteration skills. Everyone has enjoyed learning the Story of Pirate Tom. Independent writing skills develop, as we continue to focus on using consistent punctuation, in all of our work. in reading, each group has made progress as we explore using more expression, when reading to each other.


We have all worked hard, to develop our skills in several areas this term. This has included symmetry, money, shape pattern and chance. In pattern, we are all keen to identify the rule and then continue the sequence. Some children are able to make complex patterns with rules that got us all thinking. Money is another area where lots of progress has occurred.  Everyone can identify coins and give change.  It is hard to budget for the things that we need, but the children have tried hard to achieve this. Working alone and with partners has enhanced this learning.

Health and Wellbeing

The highlight of this term was Potted Sports Day ( You can catch up on photos on this website) . Primary 7 worked really hard, with their teachers, to make this a fabulous occasion for everyone. The children enjoyed all of the different activities and working as a team, with friends from different classes. In PE, P3/4 have enjoyed building skills through circuit work and hula hooping. Everyone has some amazing moves.

Other Curricular Areas

Another highlight of the term was our Pbuzz assembly, where we were able to play some songs for the whole school. We have been learning to play this amazing musical instrument with Mr Gray for the last two terms. All of that practise paid off, when we were able to demonstrate our progress.  We have also continued to work hard on our Play Projects, with May being based on swimming. You can follow our progress on our sway. (look on Google Classroom) Everyone loves to share their learning with the rest of the class.

Thank you to all of our families for supporting our learning this year. We hope that you enjoyed the Play Project Sways and also our Focus Pupil Sways, which will give parents lots of information about their child.

We now look forward to our end of term activities including The Pilmuir Picnic, where everyone will have a chance to hear us play our Pbuzzs.

Have a great summer!





Term 2

This term is always such a busy one. There has been lots to do and learn in the lead up to Christmas.


In reading we continue to work hard in groups and practise our skills during Reading Together times. Accelerated Reader has been ongoing as an independent activity with most children working hard to read books and then complete a test. Our writing is developing as we have had a big focus on punctuation. I hope that everyone is able to write in sentences at home. Let’s keep working on it! Google classroom contains all of our spelling words and some activities each week.


This term we have completed multiplication and fractions tasks. Everyone is great at explaining about “fair shares”. We have also been learning, x2 x3 x4 x5 and x10. Extra practise is always really helpful. Sumdog is really useful for practising skills.

Health and Wellbeing

In PE we have focused on several different areas. Everyone improved their skipping skills at the beginning on term. Gymnastics with Miss Masson has been very popular with all of the class. They have make excellent progress. Finally we have been learning Scottish Country dancing with P5. Everyone has enjoyed learning new dances and we are all now party ready!


Many pupils enjoyed sharing the learning with their parents this term. We all learned a lot about castles. Thank you for your support. The children loved the event.

You should also be aware of our new reporting format that started this term. Each child is focus child for one week of term. I then create a Sway for the child with information and photographs about their learning for that week.

As always, the Google Classroom contains information and activities to help support children’s learning. It also contains Sways of each of out Play projects with lots of photos to show the learning.

We are excited to finish the term with parties, Christmas crafts and carol singing.  Have restful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you for your continued support of P3/4.



P3/4 Term 1

P3/4 have had a great start to the year. We have settled in well and made new friends in our new class.


This term we have been focusing on place value and addition. We have also practised our two  and ten times tables. We can count on and back in twos and tens. Have a practise at home. Don’t forget you can also improve maths skills by working on Sumdog at home.


Everyone is doing lots of reading using our group reading books and our individual  Accelerated Readers. In spelling, we have looked at different patterns each week a power point of words and activities is posted on to Google Classroom.  In writing we continue to practise skills through “Talk For Writing”.  Ask your child to tell you the story of Mr Bumblebee. There are words and actions.


In PE we have been practising large and small ball skills.  In Health we are revising identifying emotions using Zones For Regulation.

Other Areas

We have learned lots about Harvest, and enjoyed having a visit from a farmer. We also enjoyed taking part in the Harvest Assembly. Our topic was “carrots”.

We have also been doing lots of Independent Learning each week. We have completed our first Play Project and are looking forward to  a new one each month.

Have a look at the the sway to see our learning
