Category Archives: P3/4 2021

The end of the year

Now it is nearly the end of the year for Primary 3/4. Everyone has worked so hard  as you can see from all of our sways. Please have a look if you haven’t yet. They are also available on our Google  Classroom.

Go to this Sway


This term one  of our highlights was visiting the dolphin centre and seeing actual dolphins! We also loved learning to skateboard. Thank you P7 and Mrs Horne.

We are all now looking forward to more fun and learning next year.

Have a great summer!!


Term 4

Term 3 (Looking back)IMG_2971.JPG

Last term was busy as always. The class enjoyed our Play Projects each month- Babies, McZelfs and Global Goals. Have a look at our sway to see our learning.

Go to this Sway

We have been working hard to achieve our Bikeability awards, even in the freezing weather! Our topic was Global Goals. The class enjoyed learning about the international goals that have been set for us all. We had a lot of debate and discussion as we thought of ways that we could contribute.

Within numeracy, we have been practising addition and subtraction along with multiplication and division. Sumdog is a great way to practise those skills. Literacy skill have developed too as the children become more fluent and expressive readers. Each week our spelling powerpoint is posted into the Google Classroom.

Please have a look at our Independent Learning sway for Term 3. It will give a good picture of the childrens’ learing.

Go to this Sway

Term 4 (Looking forward)IMG_3073.JPG

This term we have lots to look forward to, such as our trip to The Whale and Dolphin Centre on the 10th of May. Everyone is excited to try and complete their Dolphin Defenders Award. The children are experts! We are also studying the Human Boday this term and thinking about how to stay healthy.

In Literacy we have started a new programme called, “Talk 4 Writing”. This encourages the children to deepen their understanding of the writing process, and scaffolds their ideas. It is already looking quite exciting. In Numeracy, we are focusing on measurement and data handling. These are all practical skills that the children can practise at home too.

Thank you for your support. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to phone school.


Term 3

Term 2 (Looking Back)

Last term was a busy one for everyone, specially in the lead up to Christmas. I hope that you have had a chance to watch our nativity play “Hey Ewe”. You can access it throught the link that you will be sent.  P3/4 really enjoyed being narrators and having the opportunity to work with the younger children in school.  Be sure to listen to their singing! They were excellent!

We continued to practise our spelling  last term,  using “Wrap Around”. Children can access  PowerPoints through their Google Classroom. They can practise their words and try the activities. Everyone has been keen to have a go.

We have continued with Independent Learning Time. The children have learned and taught lots of skills. They really enjoy working with each other. Have a look at the class Sway with your child. They can log in using their Google Classroom password. (Last term’s Sway is still available too)

Go to this Sway

Once a month we are working on “Play Projects”. There is a sway attached to show our work  so far.  Ask your child all about it. They will have lots to say. Our first two themes were “Boats” and “Dinosaurs”.

Go to this Sway

Term 3 (Looking forwards)

January is our Scotland month. We will be studying Scottish myths and stories.  We are looking forward to learning lots about Scotland.

Wrap Around spelling will continue as will our other Literacy subjects. In Numeracy we plan to look at money. This is something that children could practise at home. They could also keep working on telling the time. We did lots of work on this last term and everyone’s skills really developed.

Thank you for your support this year. We look forward to another great term in 2022!


Primary 3/4 Termly Update

Pilmuir Primary School HandbookWelcome to P3/4’s blog page!

Term 1 (Looking back)

Last term P3/4 were very excited to take part in Forest School which was organised by Wild Things. Each week we learned so much about the woods and the creatures that live there. Please click on the link to see the children’s learning. I’m sure that your children will be able to tell you lots about their experiences!          Forest School  Link 

You can access the Sway with your child as they will need to be logged in to their Glow account.

We have also been working hard during Independent Learning. This time, is for the children to explore, learn  and develop skills with others or on their own. The children decide what they are going to focus on. The link below will show you the huge range of learning that has occured. Your child will be able to tell you lots about what is going on.         Independent Learning Link

Term 2 (Looking forward)

This term will be a busy one as always! The children will be learning about Christmas around the World and exploring traditions from many cultures.  We will also continue with our new spelling approach – “Wrap Around Spelling”.  Ask your child how to sound out words and stretch them. You will be impressed.