All posts by gw11lyondawn@glow

P7 term 4

It has been a really busy term in Primary 7!  It’s hard to believe your young people are now at the end of their learning journey with us here at Pilmuir and are getting ready to continue this journey after the holidays at the academy.

The children have done an amazing job organising and running our potted sports day and coffee morning, and worked really hard to prepare for our performance at the Pilmuir Picnic.  We have also had lots of transition events to prepare for the move to secondary school.


We have worked on two Talk for Writing units this term, one on adventure stories and one on instructions.  We have continued to follow the Wraparound Spelling programme in our spelling groups.  In reading, our focus this term has been on making predictions.  There have been lots of opportunities for talking and listening across the curriculum, from formal presentations to a big audience at assemblies and the welcome and closing speeches at sports day, to relaxed class discussions about transition to the academy.


Numeracy and maths

This term we’ve looked at 2D and 3D shape, angles, and data handling.  We also spent some time working on fractions and percentages.  We’ve enjoyed lots of active maths learning activities, like making nets of 3D shapes using different resources and collecting and sharing data from our own surveys and questionnaires.  After staff were retrained in using Numicon resources, the children have had time to explore all the new maths resources we now have in school linked to this.

Health and Wellbeing

We have had lots of visitors from the Academy to talk to us about various aspects of the transition to the academy.  The children have also had the chance to talk about their hopes, worries, and expectations about what being a high school pupil will be like in class.  The transition days went really well.

For PE we have been enjoying the better weather this term and getting outside for weekly rounders and football lessons.  A team of children represented Pilmuir at the Forres Academy ASG football competition.  We also had so much fun designing our activities for potted sports day and then encouraging the other classes to participate on the day.


Expressive Arts

Primary 7 have really enjoyed their Wednesday morning arts and crafts lessons with Mrs Hogg.  They made lots of lovely things to sell at our fundraising coffee morning.

We have also had a big focus on music and dance this term as we have been preparing our class and whole school performances for the Pilmuir Picnic.


Coffee Morning

The Primary 7’s spent a lot of time planning and preparing for our fundraising coffee morning.  Mrs Lyon and Mrs Liney helped the children to make lots of delicious home baking, and the class made posters to advertise the event.  We had a wide selection of crafts made by the class to sell, including tea lights, woven decorations, cards, bookmarks, and bracelets.  The children had a range of different roles on the day of the coffee morning, from greeting visitors at the gate, to serving home baking and juice, collecting entry money, collecting and clearing dirty dishes, and organising games for the young children who came along.  We raised just over £200 which paid for Moray Flying Circus to deliver a workshop for us as an end of term treat.  Special thanks goes to Tesco for donating some baking ingredients, biscuits, refreshments and prizes for this event through their Community Champion scheme. The Forres Store team were very helpful. Thank you to all the family, friends and members of the community who came to show support, including the residents and staff at a local care home.  It was lovely to have you all join us.


Library Digital Literacy Workshop

Diane and Mags from Elgin Library came to deliver a digital technology/STEM workshop.  The children really enjoyed exploring augmented reality books, tattoos, stickers, playing with the Sphero robots which are controlled by apps, and trying the Lego Spike coding resources. Thanks to Diane and Mags for leading this workshop and providing lots of fun opportunities for us to learn using all these exciting gadgets.  We hope they will visit the school again next year.


Pilmuir Picnic

The children worked hard to learn the songs and dances for the Pilmuir Picnic which we think you will agree was a big success.  Three members of the class worked hard to learn separate lines for a solo/ group part for their class song.  The class really gave their very best effort for the performance, even when they were feeling nervous and uncomfortable.  It shows that sometimes this is needed to make us even better and to challenge ourselves to learn even more.  They made beautiful props as well for our performance.


Primary 7 treats

The children had a fantastic circus skills workshop on the penultimate week of term.  They got to play lots of fun games and have a go at learning how to use lots of different circus equipment, including juggling scarves, hoops, poi, spinning plates, and pedalos (a training tool for learning how to cycle a unicycle!). Thank you to Emma from Moray Flying Circus for all her encouragement and support leading this session.

Outfit Moray spent the morning with us on Friday.  The children had a fantastic time completing the obstacle course and braving the ramps.  They did exceptionally well challenging themselves to develop and perfect their cycling skills and manage their own risk taking.  Some of the ramps looked pretty scary and challenging as a bystander but all pupils tried them all at least once. Thank you to Michelle from Outfit Moray for all her help, support and words of encouragement for the children.

We then enjoyed some pizza in the afternoon to finish off another leavers treat day. Thank you to Pizza Pan Forres for opening early to fulfil our order and deliver it to us.


We wish all of our P7s a restful summer holiday and lots of good luck wishes for their future schooling at Forres Academy.  We hope you’ll come back to let us know how you are getting on once you settle into the new term.

Good luck to Mrs Young who is leaving us to go off on maternity leave this week.  We look forward to hearing the exciting news very soon about the latest addition to her family and hope to see them next term for a visit (and some baby cuddles!).

Good luck P7,

Mrs Young and Mrs Lyon.



P7 Term 3


P7 have been reading ‘Journey to The River Sea’ as their class novel.  They have enjoyed learning about life in the Amazon and have designed their own river boats as part of their design work.


Our model short read text has been ‘Safia and the Captain’.  We have used it to study ( in depth) the structure of an action story and have planned and written our own action stories.




Wraparound spelling

The children have chosen the level of challenge they want to set themselves  this term and we have worked as a whole 2nd level area to plan for a varied set of activities for the children to meet their needs.  Some children now visit one of the other classrooms in the area to complete the activities with one of the other teachers.KaHa4.JPG


This term we have been revisiting place value and decimal numbers.


This term we have been focussing on multiplying by 10, 100, 1000.  We have been revisiting the times tables to help us with multiplying bigger numbers and have looked at different ways of recording this, using the grid method and the column method.  We also revisited division and discussed the link between multiplication and division.

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We have also looked briefly at algebraic equations.  The children have applied what they know about the 4 number operations to help them with this.

We have been looking at the relationships between numbers, identifying and continuing number sequences and the patterns of number.  Ask your child about the Fibonacci sequence.


End of year event and fundraising

We have spent a lot of time planning possible events for our end of year event.  This has involved members of our class helping to compose emails to enquire about costings, special packages available to us and availability of dates.  Some children also volunteered to phone some of the businesses.  Mrs Thorley is reviewing the work we have done on this.  We have also started to think of fundraising ideas and the risk assessments and health and hygiene aspects we need to consider for some of these ideas.  Listen out for an update coming soon!


Micro:bit training

We were lucky to have a colleague from the Moray Digital Learning team come in to provide the children with a training session on how to use the micro:bits.  The children had great fun coding these to do different things.



Two weeks ago we had a team of 5 children go to the academy to participate in a fun basketball event which was co-ordinated by active schools.  The team were great ambassadors for Pilmuir and had lots of fun with teams of P7 children from the other ASG schools.


We had a team of P6 and P7 children attend an orienteering event at Grant Park on Friday. This was organised by some S6 Forres academy pupils with the support of Active Schools.  The teams enjoyed themselves and did well.


Rotary Quiz

A  small team of P7s represented the school this week at the Rotary Club quiz.   Well done to all involved for representing the school.


Transition academy

The  children had 2 very successful visits to the academy and have  spoken positively about these on return to school . The event this week  had a focus on getting to know staff and children from other schools by rotating round team building activities. We also had a visit last week from a member of staff who was able to answer their questions and put their minds at ease.


Culbin Cycle

The children enjoyed their trip to Culbin woods with Outfit Moray.  They had great fun and and were very excited to be given this opportunity.




Angela Bell has continued to visit the school and work with the 2nd level classes to further develop their badminton skills.  The children are making great progress, improving their skills and enjoying these sessions.

We look forward to seeing you all back in term 4. Enjoy your holidays.

Term 2 in P7

Primary 7 have had an incredibly busy and fun-filled term at Pilmuir Primary School!  Here are some of the highlights from our learning journey: 


Learning Through Play 

The children rose to the challenge of creating their own junk model rockets, and also completed some Lego challenges, including designing and building boats that could float.  We also set up an art gallery role play area to build on our exploration of the world of work which started last term with our hairdresser’s salon role play area. Some of the children have enjoyed sewing and making things.  The loom bands have been popular this term with lots of bracelets being made.

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Primary 7 have had fun completing lots of practical activities to further our understanding of measure.  We have been busy with rulers, scales, and all sorts of measuring jugs and beakers.  We have also been working on time, covering everything from reading 12 and 24 hour clocks, to converting between units of time, and using timetables. 

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We have continued following the weekly spelling progressions in the Wraparound Spelling programme.  In Talk for Writing, we have been using the novel, ‘Cogheart’ by Peter Bunzl, and the short story, ‘The Way Home’ by Pie Corbett to help us explore characterisation.  We’ve also been honing our listening and talking skills, and summarising lots of different texts. 

KO JS 9.jpg  IMG_2570.JPG  Cogheart (The Cogheart Adventures #1): The bestselling, heart-stopping adventure – the perfect gift this Christmas : Peter Bunzl: Books

Where do we come from?  The Bronze Age 

Primary 7 have had a fantastic time learning about the Bronze Age.  We’ve used primary and secondary sources, completed group projects, explored Bronze Age art, and shared our learning with parents and other classes. 




This term we learned about how people celebrate St Andrews Day, and explored how people from different world religions worship.  We also looked at religious artefacts from three world religions, and thought about why they are important. 

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Primary 7 have been learning about food chains and food webs, and genetic inheritance. 



Throughout the term we have been investigating the visual elements of art (shape, line, tone, texture, form, space, colour) and exploring these through our work on Remembrance, RME, the Bronze Age and Christmas. 


Outdoor Learning 

We have completed lots of our science lessons outdoors, and have also enjoyed playing games to develop our creativity and curiosity in the outdoor classroom. 



Primary 7 were responsible for leading the Remembrance Assembly. 


Bonfire Night 

We learned about staying safe around Bonfire night, and made brilliant, eye-catching posters to share our safety messages. 




Book Week 

The Primary 7’s headed over to the Primary 1 classroom to be shared reading buddies for the younger children. 



RAF stem ambassadors 

We had a visit from some of the team based at RAF Lossiemouth. The P5, P6 and P7 classes all enjoyed participating in the activities and workshops. 




All children in P7 have participated in badminton sessions with Angela. These sessions have been fast paced and full of different games and activities to allow  the children to develop their skills. 




Some of our class represented Pilmuir at an inter-school competition at the academy recently.  




We have had lots of Christmas fun with our pantomime, Christmas jumper day, Christmas lunch, carol service at the church and making crafts for the Christmas Fayre.  We still have our Christmas party to look forward to and some more carol singing! 

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Thank you for your continued support this year.  We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes and we look forward to seeing you in 2023.


P7 termly update – term 4


Writing – We have been developing our use of descriptive language and using literacy techniques such as similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia to make our writing more interesting to the reader. We have been focusing on developing characters through using descriptive language and the techniques above.

Spelling – We continue to use the Wraparound Spelling progression each week to deepen our knowledge of spelling patterns, how words and sentences are constructed and used effectively. We deconstruct words to see how many syllables they have and to think of rhyming words.  We continue to identify the root words and use prefixes and suffixes to grow our vocabulary and how these change the meanings of words. We have also been identifying the different parts of speech.

Reading Comprehension Skills – We have continued to use the Higher Order reading strategies to deepen our knowledge and understanding of what we are reading – whether it be short previously unseen texts, novels or animations.  We have revisited predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising skills.


During Terms 3 and 4 we have covered fractions, decimals and percentages and how these are all linked through the context of money.  We have revisited telling the time in 12/24 hour time and converting between 12/24 hour times using analogue and digital clocks.  We have explored reading timetables accurately, working out time durations and time zones around the World. Some of the children began exploring the relationship between time, distance and speed to answer word problems.  We are also exploring data analysis averages – how to find the mean, median, mode and range of averages.  We have also revisited adding hundreds and thousands and how to lay this out in a clear and logical way in our jotters.


We have started to explore the use/ misuse of substances.  We have started exploring the safe use of prescribed and over the counter medicines.  We have also started to look at the effects smoking has on our body. We will also be exploring the effects of alcohol and illegal drugs.  The children have been surprised so far to find out that caffeine found in tea/coffee, soft drinks and chocolate is a socially acceptable drug.

During Terms 3 and 4 in PE, we have been developing our skills in badminton, football and volleyball. In each discipline we have focused on control, accuracy, tactics, teamwork and communication. We have also enjoyed another couple of sessions developing our skills in skateboarding.  We used a ramp this time for those children who wanted to challenge themselves even more.

Primary 7 have been planning the potted sports activities this term and have been busy trialling these activities and adapting them to suit the range of ages and needs across the school.  They have had fun trying out all the activities and providing feedback on how they could be improved.  Thank you to P6 for being our guinea pigs and trying them out for us too before the whole school completed them this week.

Outdoor Learning

This term we have enjoyed participating in play activities with the P2/3 class.  We have been using the new den building kits the school have invested in and have had lots of fun building shelters and dens.  We have developed a range of skills and become familiar with how to use the equipment safely.  Our creative thinking and problem solving skills have been tested lots!


Our IDL context last term was Global Goals – looking at sustainability and Fairtrade.  We have recently been discussing what makes a good birthday party and starting to consider what we would like to do to celebrate the school’s 40th birthday.  Our Term 4 focus has been ‘Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds.’ We have been learning about the dangers of substance misuse and the effects this can have on our physical and mental health. We have also been exploring the systems and functions of the human body. In preparation for the academy we have been exploring ways to maintain positive mental health, peer pressure and setting healthy boundaries.

Good Luck

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the children for their part in making this an enjoyable year for us.  We wish them all the very best in their continued education at Forres Academy and look forward to hearing how they are getting on after the holidays.

P7 termly update

 P7 Termly update

Welcome to our first blog post of the current school year.



Instructional Writing – In Term 1 we introduced Talk4Writing. Over a number of weeks we have taken different approaches to planning our writing, created initial drafts, edited our writing and up-levelled it to create a final piece. Our focus has been instructional writing, with a twist! Ask us how to trap a mythical creature, you won’t be disappointed!  We enjoyed sharing our work with P5 and P6, celebrating our success.

In term 2 we will be looking at persuasive language and writing persuasive letters for a specific purpose.  We will also be focusing on writing settings and character descriptions as beginnings for stories.

Spelling – We are currently following the Wraparound Spelling progression which has involved revisiting the fundamentals of phonics, decomposing words, identifying root words and growing them with prefixes and suffixes. In addition to this, we are also concentrating on sentence work and grammar. Term 1 revision can be found on Google Classroom.

Reading Comprehension Skills – During Term 1 we focused on reading comprehension skills through group reading and individual accelerated readers. We will continue this in term 2. To date, we have been developing our understanding of tricky vocabulary, visualisation and illustration skills, asking and developing effective questions and making predictions. A guide to reading skills strategies can be found on Google Classroom.  We would encourage the children to continue reading at home.  They can access the Accelerated Reading site from home to complete online quizzes and there is a link in the Google Classroom for Bookflix – an online library document with a variety of titles featuring a mix of full texts and extracts from books.



Our Term one focus was to revise and extend our knowledge of place value. This has included identifying the value of whole digits and decimals, ordering and sequencing of numbers and rounding. We have explored the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, identified them in our environment and created our own tessellations. We made 3D shapes and nets.

Using natural resources outdoors, we have been learning to play games that enhance our strategy and problem solving skills. Ask your child to teach you how to play ‘Game of NIM’ – it can get quite intense!

We have been sharpening our mental agility and quick recall with mixed daily 20 mental maths questions. You will find links to supporting resources and games on Google Classroom.

In Term 2, we will be focusing on the properties of special triangles and circles. We will continue to deepen our understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages.



Throughout this year our social, emotional and mental health remains a priority. Through the Zones of Regulation and circle time we continue to explore our emotions, including the triggers and behaviours associated with different feelings. We have identified and devised our own regulation strategies that help to support us during challenging times.

During Term 1 in PE, we successfully developed our throwing, catching, shooting, dribbling, hand-eye coordination, communication and team work skills through basketball. Through the game of field hockey we have focused on stick control, ball control techniques and match play. Ask us to name all of the new moves we have learned!


Outdoor Learning

We love outdoor learning and enjoyed playing team building games on the field in Term 1 – we are especially competitive when playing rounders! We had an opportunity to learn skateboarding skills. Doing so allowed us to manage our own speed and risk whilst manoeuvring, as well as challenging our balance and coordination.

Our Outdoor Classroom at Pilmuir has given us an opportunity to engage with loose parts play. We have built dens and assault courses that encourage clear communication, problem solving and team work. Ask us about the Mountain Rescue Challenge!


Modern languages

This year we will be learning conversational French with Mrs Lyon and German with Mrs Horne.



Our IDL context for this term will be Christmas Around the World, developing our knowledge and understanding of how other countries, cultures and faiths celebrate Christmas.