All posts by Miss Main

Animal and Wind Pollination

Primary 7 have been learning about plants for their context for learning this term. They have been learning about the different parts of the plants, how the process of pollination works and different ways in which pollination can be carried out, by animals and by wind.

They have been looking at plants in their garden and identifying how they would have been pollinated using their learning to help them.


Arron Identified that the pine tree is wind pollinated and the pink and white flowers are insect pollinated. Well done Arron!

British Sign Language

Primary 5 have been practising British Sign Language while we have been home learning. Last week we revised the alphabet and greetings. This week we are practising animal signs through videos and games. We are also learning to sign songs with Noel on BSL. This is a continuation of the learning we have done in class.

Parent and Carer Newsletter Issue 3

Education Scotland

In these uncertain times, parents, carers and families are under a lot of pressure, especially in supporting children to continue to learn. No-one expects parents and carers to take the place of teachers.

This weekly newsletter has ideas, hints and tips for parents and carers, including activities that children can do on their own at home or families can do together.

These activities are intended to complement the activities provided by your school and help your child have a broad range of learning experiences during the school closures. Follow this link to subscribe to the Parents and Carers newsletter.

Parent and Carer Newsletter Issue 3

Parents and Carers Newletter Issue 2

Education Scotland

In these uncertain times, parents, carers and families are under a lot of pressure, especially in supporting children to continue to learn. No-one expects parents and carers to take the place of teachers.

This weekly newsletter has ideas, hints and tips for parents and carers, including activities that children can do on their own at home or families can do together.

These activities are intended to complement the activities provided by your school and help your child have a broad range of learning experiences during the school closures.

Parent and Carer Newsletter Issue 2

Parents and Carers Newsletter Issue 1

Education Scotland

In these uncertain times, parents, carers and families are under a lot of pressure, especially in supporting children to continue to learn. No-one expects parents and carers to take the place of teachers.

This weekly newsletter has ideas, hints and tips for parents and carers, including activities that children can do on their own at home or families can do together.

These activities are intended to complement the activities provided by your school and help your child have a broad range of learning experiences during the school closures.

Parent and Carers Newsletter Issue 1