Term 3

What a fantastic term we have had in Primary 6.  We have had a term full of fun and new learning opportunities


 In Literacy this term we have been focusing on the genre of adventure.  Our class novel ‘Journey to the River Sea’ supports this and has engaged the children beautifully in the exciting adventures of its main character Mia.  Using Talk for Writing methods the children have been innovating on the short story ‘Safia and the Captain’ by Pie Corbett creating their own characters with a particular focus on appropriate paragraphing and developing adventure through the use exciting verbs and adverbs.

 Accelerated Reader has been ongoing as an independent activity with most children working hard to read books and then complete a test.


During this term primary 6 have been working on money and fractions.  Primary 6 have enjoyed some shop role play and are now confident in the four operations with money.  Primary 6 have also been working hard on fractions and are becoming more confident in calculating fractions of amounts, comparing and ordering fractions and equivalent fractions. Throughout the term we have also been revising our times table knowledge through active maths activities and games.

Health and Wellbeing

 In PE primary 6 always work extremely hard.  They have been working on circuits once a week and this has been extremely popular.  They have also been working on Badminton and now the children strive to hold a successful rally with their peers.  Finally, we have been playing team games which the children particularly love, this has helped us to work on communicating with peers successfully and supporting each other.  It’s been fantastic to be a part of!

Primary 6 have had a wonderful term, full of fantastic experience, We can’t wait to see what next term holds!