P5 Term 4

P5 have had an eventful fourth term as well as year with visiting   the local area the school and learning lots of new things and doing so with an eager and positive attitude to learn each day.



Within literacy this term we have been continuing with our Wraparound spelling in a new way where the pupils from P5-7 have come together to form 3 spelling groups. Within these groups the pupils have been looking into different sounds each week as well as common words associated with that sound. The pupils have been developing their understanding of the sounds and words within their spelling by looking into putting the words into sentences, finding out the root of the word and then seeing if they could grow the words. They have also continued to look in depth into the words by using various strategies to aid in their learning.

In terms of Talk for Writing this term the pupils have been looking into writing and creating their own  story with a change with a further focus on description and dialogue. As a class we have been analysing the text of ‘The Story of Pirate Tom’ by Pie Corbett through creating a story map to help in remembering the text as well as help in discovering how the structure of a story like this can use.


In Numeracy this term we have been looking into the topic of measurement as well as time. As a class we began by thinking about the different ways and what we can measure. We then looked into how to use each way of measuring through mental maths games and class actives such as measuring height and length n centimetres and that we can measure capacity in litres. The pupils have also been looking into time and how we cause use digital and analogue clocks and how to transfer between 12 hour and 24 hour time.

Class Trips Visit

The pupils this term have taken a trip to grant part where we concluded our learning of plants by completing a word scavenger hunt in the park. We have also visited the Forres Transition Town where the pupil learnt about sustainability in the garden as well as what different plants you can grow in your garden and their uses. We also learnt about how to composite as well as weed and plant seeds in the garden plant boxes.

Topic – Who made a difference?

In Topic this terms we have been looking into answering the question of ‘Who Made a Difference’. As a class we have looked into people like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa and Ghandi, Alexander Graham Bell, Picasso, Marie Curie and Andy Warhol and who they were and how they made a difference to the world we now know. We have also been looking into what a Primary and Secondary source is as well as being able to say how we know if a source is reliable or not. From this the pupils have completed a research project in class round people that the pupils want to learn about and discover how they made a difference. Some of the examples from this were people like Stephen Hawking, David Attenborough and Winston Churchill. The pupils have all been eager to take part in all aspects of learning and also created a time line of the important dates from the people whom we learnt about in class to express their learning and understanding.

Overall this term and year has been filled with fun, laughter and a lot of learning. It has been wonderful to have been apart of this class and see them progress on their individual learning journeys and I wish them all the best in the future!!