P3/4 Term 1

P3/4 have had a great start to the year. We have settled in well and made new friends in our new class.


This term we have been focusing on place value and addition. We have also practised our two  and ten times tables. We can count on and back in twos and tens. Have a practise at home. Don’t forget you can also improve maths skills by working on Sumdog at home.


Everyone is doing lots of reading using our group reading books and our individual  Accelerated Readers. In spelling, we have looked at different patterns each week a power point of words and activities is posted on to Google Classroom.  In writing we continue to practise skills through “Talk For Writing”.  Ask your child to tell you the story of Mr Bumblebee. There are words and actions.


In PE we have been practising large and small ball skills.  In Health we are revising identifying emotions using Zones For Regulation.

Other Areas

We have learned lots about Harvest, and enjoyed having a visit from a farmer. We also enjoyed taking part in the Harvest Assembly. Our topic was “carrots”.

We have also been doing lots of Independent Learning each week. We have completed our first Play Project and are looking forward to  a new one each month.

Have a look at the the sway to see our learning
