P2/3 Termly Update

As we head towards the end of another school term and school year, it’s great to look back at all the learning that has taken place.

In P2/3, we have enjoyed getting outside each week to the outdoor classroom – our very own Adventure Island. The children have amazing imaginations and are becoming skilled at designing, building and working as a team. It was fantastic to share our Adventure Island with parents and we really hope you had as much fun as we do!

Over the past two terms we have covered a range of topics in Maths & Numeracy including: Measurement – length, mass and capacity; Multiplication and Division – focusing on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and Fractions. We will be learning about time between now and the end of term.

Although we have still been covering reading and spelling each week, our new literacy focus has been to use the Talk for Writing approach.  The children have learned the words and actions for two stories – Rosie’s Walk and Charlie. They have had opportunities to ‘play’ out the stories before drawing their own story maps and changing parts to make a new story of their own.

Through IDL we have learned about Scotland, Global Goals, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds and are now concentrating on planning Pilmuir’s 40th Birthday Party!

Everyday we continue to learn through play. It is great to see the children’s creative, problem solving, collaborative and thinking skills in action. If you would like to see more of our learning journey over the past two terms, please click on the links below to access our class SWAY. There are so many photo’s – we have had to make 3!

Go to this Sway
Go to this Sway
Go to this Sway

This term, instead of a whole class learning journey, we have trialled ‘Focus Children’ for a more personal report. The link to your child’s very own learning journey SWAY can be found in the Google Classroom.