P2/3 Termly Update – December 2021

It has been a very busy term so far and the children have been concentrating on learning the songs, lines and actions for our Nativity – ‘Hey Ewe’. We now have two versions of the Nativity for you to watch using the links that have been sent out.

I think you will agree they have done an amazing job!

In Mathematics and Numeracy, the children have been learning all about 2D shapes and 3D objects and have applied their learning when designing and building models.  Money has been introduced during independent learning with the children each being given a budget of 10p per day to spend on art and craft materials or renting ICT equipment. This has led to lots of discussions about making amounts, receiving change, saving and collaborating with others to make their money go further. The children still find very imaginative ways to include mathematics into their independent learning as you can see….

We are still reading every morning in our groups and learning new sounds and spelling patterns through Wraparound Spelling and Phonics. Mrs Kinlin’s phonics group even showed off their learning by demonstrating how they stretch the sounds during our class assembly.

Adventure Island remains the highlight of the week, even with the weather turning colder. We have recently purchased new equipment for the children to use, including tarpaulins, ropes and bungee cords. To celebrate the end of the year, we warmed up with a hot chocolate!

Looking forward to next year – we will be learning about Scotland, Robbie Burns and traditional foods and drink, before starting a new IDL concentrating on being eco friendly and the Global Goals for Sustainability. In mathematics we will learn about multiplication, division and fractions.

Writing will be the focus of our literacy learning next term as we begin to use the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach.

Please have a look through our class sway to see all the photos of our learning this term.

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Go to this Sway

We wish you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!