Moray RAiSE 2017 Review

Its been a busy year since I started as Primary Science Development Officer on the 31st January 2017, so I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on a few highlights from my year:

February was all about creating the Moray RAiSE network and developing the Moray RAiSE Plan (see attached). Getting funding for the Primary Science Mentor Training from a successful PSTT bid meant that I could support the SSERC trained mentors in the final CPD sessions and start planning Primary Science Mentor training for Moray.

March was all about meeting the Head Teachers in Moray, CPD for NQTs and working closely with Linkwood Primary on Science for P1 – my first experience team teaching Early Level! An awesome class and big shout out to class teacher Mandy for giving me this opportunity.

April  – STEM Days and Science Audits. Elgin Museum has fantastic resources for supporting CfE and let me borrow a resource box for St Thomas PS STEM Day. Schools were starting to review their science courses and we used the draft STEM Self Evaluation Questions to help drive forward developments! Changing Lives through STEM Engagement CPD was thought provoking and its been great to see St Sylvester’s using their STEM Club to raise attainment with targeted pupils this year.

May saw the first Primary and Secondary Engineer Training Days held in Moray – the Celebration Event will be on Thursday 1st March 2018 (see Blog update) and some Outdoor Science Visits as well as some work with secondary colleagues at Keith Grammar and Forres Academy.


In June the Forres Active Schools Coordinators and I planned and carried out the Forres ASG Transition day based on Rocket Poetry – great fun in Culbin Forest and I was really impressed with the energy of the pupils after cycling out there! I took part in the SSERC Primary Cluster programme which really helped me plan the Primary Science Mentors CPD calendar and after seeing some excellent STEM work in Early Years Centres who had been part of the National STEM project I turned my attention to supporting our ELCC establishments with bespoke CPD.

July was quieter with the schools on holiday giving me time to complete the RAiSE report. As RAiSE is a national initiative co-funded by Scottish Government, the Wood foundation and our Local Authorities, monitoring the positive impact is vital if the project is to continue. ROC (Robert Owen Centre) is independently evaluating the project too – you may see me turn up with a wee survey or ask you to be part of a Focus group in 2018!

In August I had the privilege of presenting to the new NQTs in Moray on the topic of Assessment & Moderation. That introduction has led to a few NQTs looking for support with Science in Primary and I’m booked in for a CPD session with them in 2018!

September was STEMtastic with the second Primary Engineer Training and the fantastic RAF STEM event which I attended on the Thursday. Great feedback from schools that I passed to the RAF Outreach Officer!

In October Alves PS had the Space themes STEM Day and I helped the teachers develop a nice spacesuit experiment for the day! The Primary Science Mentors had been meeting since August and by this point the group had settled in to the task of developing not just their own skills and knowledge about science but leading others in the schools and ASGs!

Team photo with previous trained SSERC mentors after a packed twilight session – still smiling!








November – Gender Balance Training and STEM Champions! Gender balance training will be rolled out in Moray in 2018. This is an issue that cuts across the curriculum and affects all of our pupils. STEM Champions will be piloted in Moray in 2018 within one willing ASG. Working with the Northern Alliance, RAiSE Authorities and Aberdeen Science Centre we hope to develop P5-7 pupils leadership skills within the context of STEM.

December – After another training session at SSERC and the SSERC Conference and with the year drawing to a close it was time for some festive Science with rocket Santa’s…

I just want to thank all the fantastic teachers I have been working with over 2017 and wish you all a restful Christmas.

See you in 2018 – the Year of Young People. Get ready for some STEM Action!

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