Chinese New Year

DSCF3804  At the Playdough Table DSCF3805 At the Drawing Table

Chinese Writing to try out and Year of the Monkey pictures

DSCF3806 DSCF3807 Chinese RestaurantDSCF3808 Fancy DiningDSCF3809 DSCF3810 Patterns to copy . .  DSCF3811  . . and inspireDSCF3812 Authentic DisplaysDSCF3813The Tuff TrayDSCF3814 Animals of the ZodiacDSCF3815 Lucky red envelopesDSCF3816 Lucky coinsDSCF3817Chinese drumsDSCF3818 Jigsaws

Puzzles of food from around the world

DSCF3819Chinese Rice

Over the next two weeks we will be looking at Chinese New Year. Here are some of the activities on offer in the Continuous Provision. The children will also be sampling some Chinese style snacks.

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Transient art at the junk modelling table . . no glue allowed!

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Funky Fingers Table

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Framing their art work at the Transient Art table

DSCF3820 DSCF3821 DSCF3822 Fine dining!DSCF3823