Happy New Year to everyone. We welcome all the children back and hope everyone had a lovely Christmas Holiday, We also welcome all the new children who are starting with us this afternoon. We look forward to meeting you all and getting this term started.
This term, to begin with, we are looking at Winter under the context name of “Frozen”. We will be doing wintery themed crafts and the continuous provision over the next few weeks will reflect aspects of Winter and the characters from the Disney film “Frozen”. We are building an igloo for the role play corner out of milk bottles and for this we still require your help. Please continue to collect 4 pint/ 2 litre milk bottles and hand them in to staff.
Frozen/winter themed “tuff tray”
A selection of sensory materials to squash, squeeze and run through your fingers . . .
cool colours, snow and snowman accessories at the gluing/ junk modelling table
Snowman factory at the playdough table
Snowman modelled at the painting easel
Arctic themed rice tray
Funky fingers/ discovery and exploration table
snowflakes on the white box.
Writing/cutting table
Snowman factory at the Playdough table
This week the children are making black pen drawings about their Christmas Holiday with their accompanying story being scribed by staff. We look forward to hearing all their exciting news! We also wish to get started on individual calendars for the children to take home with some seasonal art work displayed on it.
We have decided, following the responses from the questionnaire issued last term that we will not be switching sides at collection times as we feel this will unsettle some of the children who are happy with the routine that we have in place, and out of the 34 responses, 8 would prefer to collect from their current location, 4 would like to swap location and 22 had no preference and would be happy with any decision made. So with this in mind we will continue to operate as before with children being collected from the hall or snack room, and we urge parents to please feel free to look around the nursery at drop off or collection times at the available activities and the art work on display. I am sure the children would love the responsibility of accompanying you around the nursery and showing you what they like to do.