Nursery Open Afternoons – 30/9 and 1/10

Just a reminder that the nursery is opening it’s doors to parents and carers on Wednesday 30th September and Thursday 1st October between 4pm and 5pm. Come in and have a look around the building and see how the children use the facilities. This is also a chance to have an informal chat with a member of staff about your child’s progress  so far and have a look at their work, both up on the wall and in their folders. We look forward to seeing you next week.

Refurbishment works at Lady Cathcart

Please be aware that from Monday 28th September there will be refurbishment works on the toilets close to the entrance hall. The building work will be happening for about 3 weeks. Please refrain from parking in the car park when dropping off or collecting children as there is liable to be works traffic and skips making it tight for cars to manouvre. Also please keep children under close supervision when walking through the car park. The entrance hall can still be used as normal at drop off and collection times.

Read and Play Project with Action for Children

Lydia visited us this afternoon to do a Read and Play session with our afternoon children. She read “Wow said the Owl!” by Tim Hopgood. After the story the children did a matching activity, followed by a group craft activity making a large collage sunshine, and then individual collage owls. The children got fully involved in every activity and thoroughly enjoyed the session.

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Please remember the parent/carer session on Tuesday 29th September 1-2pm or 2-3pm . . .let staff know which session you would like to attend.