Action for children

Here is a letter from Lydia Simpson from Action for Children who has been working on Literacy projects with early years children and has asked Millbank Nursery to be involved.


Dear Parent

As you may remember from last year, my project, based at Millbank Nursery, involved some reading and play activities. Parents, or another family member, were invited to attend the second session and encouraged to join in with the activities with their child.

We are doing these sessions again this year. Your child took part in a read and play activity last Friday at Nursery. The book we read was called “None the Number” by Oliver Jeffers. On Friday this week, the 4th September, family members will again be encouraged to come and take part in a read and play session. Just one family member should come along as we will be restricted on space. Please let the Nursery staff know if you are able to attend the 9.30am session or the 10.30am session.

As part of the project we are asking parents to fill in the feedback cards enclosed about a book you use at home, this could be the child’s Library Book or another book they like. Please just use one book to fill in the card. If you don’t look at any books this week just complete the card anyway. All the information collected will help us understand how we can make reading and playing more fun for families.


Thanks for your help with this project.

Lydia Simpson

Co-ordinator Family Support in Moray PSP

Action for Children

Winchester House

1 King Street


This letter is going out to parents today – Tuesday 1st September. Please let staff know if you can attend our session with your child on Friday 4th at either 9.30am or 10.30 am.  It was a very well received and enjoyable experience last session.