Buckie Library Bookbug session

The children will be visiting Buckie library on Wednesday 20th May for a Bookbug session held by library staff. Our visits to the library are always really enjoyed by our children and we are looking forward to seeing what is on offer for the children during this session. As always parent help is requested and much appreciated to assist us with accompanying  our children safely to the library and back to nursery.

Nursery Move to Lady Cathcart

As you will hopefully be aware by now, the Nursery is moving down the road to the Lady Cathcart building during the refurbishment works.  We are going to be using the large hall as our main area and setting it up into play areas just like we have in our current building. We also have the sole use of Room 1 which will be our snack room with our kitchen and a room for us to do some group work. The long corridor that is outside this room is where the children’s coat pegs are.  This corridor can only be accessed through a security door with a key pad which will need to be opened by either Millbank staff or Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup staff to let in parents or visitors. There is a buzzer situated outside this door. The children’s toilets are also being refurbished to make them more fit for purpose for our children, child height sinks for washing hands are being installed in the main hall and a child height worktop for baking and food preparation has been included in the snack room.

We plan to take the children down to visit the building on Friday morning and afternoon to have snack and play some games in the hall and talk with the children about where we can set up certain areas.


If you still have any concerns please come along to the meetings to be held in the school on Wednesday 13th  about the refurbishement in general and find out what has been done so far to improve the building for our use over the next 2 years.