All posts by Miss Innes

Sun and sea safety


We have been learning about staying safe in the sun.

We made sun posters with a partner.

Some tips for enjoying the sun safely are:

* Wear sunglasses.

* Wear a sun hat.

* Put on sun cream.

* Find shade.

* Drink lots of water.


We have also been learning how to stay safe near the water.

Our recent trip to the lifeboat station helped us to act out a rescue in the classroom.

Trip to lifeboat station

Last Wednesday we visited Buckie Lifeboat Station.

We looked around the lifeboat and tried on some of the equipment. The jacket was really heavy!

We learned what to do if we spotted someone in trouble at sea.

Thank you to the volunteers at the lifeboat station for showing us around. We all had a great time.

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Homework challenges

Our homework challenge was to find out 5 facts about a sea creature. We had to present what we found out in an interesting way.

Here are some people presenting their challenges.


Lois telling us about seahorses.


Finlay made a book giving us facts about the hammerhead shark.



Nevaeh made a powerpoint all about orca whales.


Nathan created a poster with facts on hammerhead sharks.


Sofie shared a lot of details about dolphins.



Matthew showed us his powerpoint on jellyfish.



Madison shared her poster about dolphins.


Clark found out a lot of facts about the great white shark.


Roxy found some facts about dolphins.


Eve made a booklet all about sea turtles.


McKenna made a poster and told us facts about orca whales.


Ryan made a poster telling us all about sharks.


Max showed us the different parts of a shark.


Jake found out some interesting facts about crabs.


Megan made a poster about starfish and shared some facts with us.


Brooke shared her powerpoint all about sharks with us.



Alens found out a lot of facts about jellyfish.


Chloe found some interesting facts on the tiger shark.


Cody made a poster all about the great white shark.


Myrren told us octopus facts.

Fitness in P.E.

This term we are learning about the ways that we can improve our levels of fitness. We have been trying out different fitness stations each week, and can discuss the parts of our body that we are exercising at each activity.

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Library visit

This morning we went to Buckie library for a visit.

When we got there we sat in the children’s area and James read us a story called ‘Harry and the Jaggedy Jaggers.’

Next we looked at facts about sea creatures on a poster.

Then it was our turn to find the information from fact books about different sea animals.

At the end we heard a Roald Dahl ‘Revoulting Rhyme’ and found it very funny!

Thank you to James at the library for letting us visit.

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We have been looking at measurement in maths.

Last term we measured the length of objects.

This week we have been learning how to measure the weight of an object. We used balance scales and cubes to find out the weight of items around the classroom.

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Noah’s Ark

We have been learning about Christianity.

Last week we looked at the story of Noah’s Ark.

We talked about how we would feel if we were stuck on a boat for 40 days and 40 nights.

We then made pairs of animals with a partner to go on Noah’s Ark and all helped to paint the rainbow.


Our Cafe

Last Thursday we ran our cafe from 10 o’clock to 11 o’clock.

At our cafe we were selling the things at different stalls that we had been busy making. We all had a job at the different stalls.

We served the people that we had invited. We had to take their order on a bit of paper and then offer them a pancake. We had people whose job it was to spread the pancakes with butter, jam, chocolate spread or syrup.

It was very busy! After we tidied up we drew the winners of the competitions and counted the money. Between the 2 classes we raised £159.83 for the Archie Foundation. 

Thank you to everyone who helped us to make our cafe a success.

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