!4th April 2016. Magic minibeasts.

Today the class continued with the John Muir award . The theme was minibeasts this week but before the main activity the pupils went to their special place and sat down for a quiet time. they were asked to watch, listen, touch and smell what was around themselves. they were then asked to compose a poem, or jot down some words of how they felt. we then sat round the fire and read out there poems.
After break the pupils then split into groups and they ad to then find and identify minibeasts, they had to draw them and write down about their habitat. Discussions followed round the fire about the various families of minibeasts and the important role the detritivores have on the planet.
Evaluation and Personal Reflection.
Pupils really got a lot out of going to their special places and have ownership of them. The pupils seem really proud of their own special spot. The emotive writing and poems was very moving, especially hearing them when sitting round a fire and the pupils did really well in this. in school they then went on to write poems about minibeasts. The minibeast activity , as always, capivated the pupils and the level of enquiry was very pleasing to hear. the pupils had to tell everybody about their minibeasts and show them. it was really nice to have a short ‘blast’ at something like minibeasts instead of doing it for a term. good follow up in class also.DSCN1393




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