Thursday 11th December

I plan to take the children to the woods once a week, starting in January. To prepare for this I have read the Moray Council ‘RULES AND GUIDANCE
ADVENTUROUS ACTIVITIES’ document and linked in to read parts of ‘Getting Out There’. Martin (HT) has identified the forms I need to complete and reading the document has raised some questions / observations.
1. I have insufficient first aid training (need min 6 hour course). My Girl Guiding course is inadequate.
2. some discussion over whether parent helpers need to be disclosure checked.
3. Need to buy water proof trousers for class.
4. when we go out I must establish a ‘rendevouz point’ and take an ‘Emergency response card ‘ (p27). I should also have well defined objectives before we leave.

I have identified two patches of local woodland – the closest ‘Chandlers Rise’ has ‘nicer’ rubbish in than the woodland which is nearer to school. In now need to find out who owns it.

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