Afternoon everyone! P1/2 were really enthusiastic to carryout a Science project (of their choice) for the remaining weeks of school. Unfortunately, as time has run away with us over the last few weeks, I have been unable to get any formal homework … Continue reading
Alves Litter Pick 2017
June 19, 2017 by User deactivated
The litter pick was organised by the Eco group. We started with an assembly to let pupils know what they would be doing during the litter pick. The school was split into groups and each group was given an area of Alves to clean. We gave a safety briefing and Mr Haytack, the community warden, talked to the school before we set off.
The Eco group walked along the main road beside the A96. Most of the litter we found was cigarettes. This is because people fling cigarettes out the windows of their cars. At the war memorial we picked up fifty cigarette ends round about the bin. Other groups found lots of food wrappers and plastic. Some of the stranger things we found: bicycle wheel, large plastic delivery box, wire brush, full packet of cigarettes, lawn mower and a cuddly toy.
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