As part of our learning logs we had to make a poster which compared old and new toys.
We had to make our poster stand out…
“I made it glittery and sparkly and Mrs Thomson got covered in it!” (Eva)
“I made the title out of toys!” (Robert M)
“Well I made it all glittery!” (Lily)
“I made 3 colourful ones! One was orange, one was blue and one green.” (Robert B)
“I put my Mum’s horses and dogs on mine.” (Alasdair)
“I put on an old helicopter and a new sky helicopter together.” (Cerryn)
“I had old dolls and Dora dolls to show how they’ve changed. The old dollies had no shoes and not lovely clothes.” (Caitlyn)
“I made a video of the Chloe show! I told everyone about my granny and granda’s toys. My granda played with matchstick cars made out of a matchbox and buttons and my granny made peg dolls.” (Chloe)
We hope you have enjoyed reading!
From P1/2 and Mrs Thomson 🙂