Dice and card games
1 player games
This game can be used for addition and subtraction but can be adapted to include multiplication and division.
What you need:
- A pack of cards with the face cards removed
How to play:
Discard the face cards and use the aces to represent one. Lay out a pyramid of face up cards with one card at the top, two cards overlapping the bottom edge of that card, three cards overlapping the edges of the two cards, and so on, until there are six cards at the bottom of the pyramid. Only cards that are fully uncovered can be used.
Pick up and discard cards with number combinations that equal ten. The easiest version is to discard cards in pairs that add up to ten (2 + 8, 3 + 7, etc.) and the ten by itself. Make the game progressively more challenging by allowing any combination of cards that can be strung together in an equation to equal ten, for example, 9 + 3 – 2 or 2 x 3 + 4. The game can also be played with the face cards with these values: J is 11, Q is 12, and K is 13 (change the target number to 13 for this version).
Once Through the Deck
The best way to practice the math facts is through the give-and-take of conversation, orally quizzing each other and talking about how you might figure the answers out. But occasionally your child may want a simple, solitaire method for review.
What you need:
- A pack of cards with the face cards removed (or keep them in –Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13)
How to Play
Decide on the multiplication table you are going to practise.
Shuffle the deck and place it face down on the table in front of you. Flip the cards face up, one at a time.
For each card, say out loud the product of that number multiplied by the number of the table you are practicing. Don’t say the whole equation, just the answer.
Go through the deck as fast as you can. But don’t try to go so fast that you have to guess! If you are not sure of the answer, stop and figure it out.
2 player games
What you need:
- 3 dice
- Paper and pencil
How to Play
Each player takes turns rolling 3 dice. First to break 200 (or 500, etc.) wins. On your turn, you get to choose two dice to add together, then you multiply the sum by the final die. That’s your score for that turn.