This morning we were incredibly busy making our very own Chinese spring rolls to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Before making a start we had to check our recipe to make sure that we had all of the correct utensils and ingredients.
We each took a turn at chopping, grating and mixing the vegetables to put in our spring rolls. We also had to add a splash of soy sauce too. We enjoyed having a smell of all of the different ingredients. Some things smelled very strong, like the garlic and ginger.
Once we were ready, we put the mixture onto the filo pastry and rolled it up, being so very careful not to rip the pastry sheet – that was quite tricky!
After our spring rolls were all rolled up, we had to glaze them with some milk to help them brown in the oven.
Some of the children enjoyed tasting our spring rolls… Some of us had more than one!
A BIG well done to all of the boys and girls for being so sensible this morning, everyone joined in very well indeed.
Can you still remember what kinds of ingredients we included in our spring rolls? Tell someone at home if you can.