Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

In our Community Group this month we used the book “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” by Carol McCloud to get us thinking about happiness.

We learned that we can find ways to make ourselves happy.  We can make others around us feel happy.  When they feel happy they can make others around them feel happy.  Before you know it happiness will be rippling out around the world.

The book certainly gave us all plenty to talk about.

First of all we had to think about what makes us happy.

We cut out our own buckets to make a display of the things that make us happy.

We got straight to work filling other people’s buckets with happiness.  We did this by helping them with cutting, sharing materials and making positive, helpful comments about their work.

Our mission for the rest of the day was to fill the buckets of those around us and not be “bucket dippers”.

The book suggests that we start each morning by saying “I’m going to fill someone’s bucket today.”

At the end of the day we should ask ourselves “Did I fill a bucket today?”

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