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Friday 8th July 2016

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Here are the latest photographs of work on the new build.  The pupils and staff may be enjoying the holiday (and the occasional sunshine), but good progress continues to be made on the construction site.  The next set of pictures will probably be in three weeks time.  By then we can expect to see the lift shafts taking shape within the main teaching block.  Enjoy the summer!

Monday 27th June 2016

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The 2015/16 sessions finishes at 2.30pm on Thursday.  That means that these will be the last of the pictures taken from the library and History department windows on Mondays – for the moment.  However, we will keep the photos coming during the holiday – but not so regularly (even Head Teachers are allowed a break!?).  It is exciting thinking about holidays with so much progress having been made on the new build.

Week beginning 6th June

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The end of last week saw another significant landmark with the start of the piling.  285 piles to be driven.  On Thursday afternoon the first group of EHS pupils to see round the site had a visit.  After a full health & safety briefing we moved on to the site and were begin to be able to imagine where everything will be – including where the canteen will continue to serve the famous chicken pie.  An excellent experience that made everything seem even more real for the pupils.  Many more visits to follow.

Monday 30th May 2016

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This week there are views of various parts of the construction site.  The accommodation units continue to be developed with the tarred road providing quality access to the building area.  The markers on the site of the main building are an indication that piling will be starting soon.  Meanwhile there is continued work preparing the area for the PE block.

Last week we had a fire drill, with a simulated scenario.  Pupils and staff had to use the evacuation route around the building.  This was a useful exercise to increase awareness during the period when the school operates in the present building with a construction site immediately alongside.  All went very well and everyone showed a good level of recognition of risks and of what to do.

Monday 23rd May 2016

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Another good week of progress on the site.  The accommodation units are taking shape.  A tarred road has been created on the side of the site opposite the current building.  Eventually that will be the access road for deliveries, etc.  For the moment it will help with the construction work.

On Friday morning all EHS teaching staff spent time visiting local businesses.  We heard from employers about the expectations of people applying for jobs.  Recent appointees also spoke about what schools had done well to get them ready them for the workplace and what we could have done better.  A fascinating opportunity to reflect on how we can all respond to the Developing the Young Workforce agenda and better prepare pupils for life after school.  Many thanks to Jim and Bethany from Balfour Beatty for your honesty and insightful conversation.  It was very much appreciated.

Monday 16th May 2016

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There has been a lot going on this week.  Preparation work on the site of the main building has continued.  In addition, the units for the permanent site accommodation are now in place and that area, beside the Greenwards’ playing fields, is looking quite different.  We have a bundle of leaflets ready to distribute to the immediate neighbours to let them know that work on the foundations – including piling – will soon be starting.  It was pleasing to hear that P6 pupils from Greenwards have already had their first site visit.

Week beginning 9th May

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In addition to bright blue skies and the sunshine, this week’s pictures show continued good progress on preparing the site.  We greatly appreciated the co-operation of the construction staff on Thursday when the Advanced Higher and Higher English exams had to be held in the EHS building rather than Moray College.  Without us saying anything, the early morning work on the site was halted in time for the candidates to settle into the exam rooms and focus on the papers.  They can have no excuse for not being able to concentrate!  Thank you.

Now it is May…

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This week’s photos from the library window.  Senior pupils started their study leave for exams today.  Most are being sat in Moray College so there will be no disturbance when the piling begins.   Meanwhile the work on the construction site is going well.