Rainy Day Session 5 of John Muir Award

Building a mini shelter.

Watching the fast flowing weir at Sanquhar Loch

Our waterproofs are working!

Today the weather created a few challenges as it was forecast to rain continuously all day – and it did! After a consultation process involving the children it was decided that we should test out the school waterproofs and go to Sanquhar Woods.
Today we were learning about survival strategies using S.T.O.P. If we are ever lost we should apply S = stop and stay put (people at home will know we are late back and come to find us), T = think, where would be a good place to stay safe and shelter from the weather? O = observe what is around about me – could I use something to help keep me safe? and P = plan, could I make a shelter? As we become more independent we should always act responsibly and tell our families where we are going and agree on a time to be home.
Our task today was to build a mini shelter for our pine cone people to stay warm and dry. We worked in pairs and collected sticks, moss and leaf litter. Most of us were very successful and we got the chance to visit each others shelters and evaluate these.
Even though it was very wet the grown ups did not hear anyone complain. In fact Keiran Tennant said, “Being out in the rain is the best thing in the world!” When we got back to school we hung up wet jackets and over trousers on pegs and washed our hands in lovely warm water.