Choosing a two week homework project.


Emily and her survival bag.


Maps, volcanoes, hurricanes, moonbows, cost reports, tsunami waves and flood proof homes.


Diarmuid explained that the lift up windows allow large amounts of water through the home and it could survive a tsunami.


Cameron’s home was set in a desert landscape and can withstand very strong winds.


Ellis and her survival bag.


Faye and Kelsey make their volcano erupt red lava!


Josh presents ‘Its Raining Fish in Sri Lanka’.

Pupils from P6W, P6/7M and P7H have been given nine possible lines of development for homework projects.
The first deadline was met by everyone in 6W (big well done!)and we had a super morning showing our work and telling others about it.
A news report was delivered by Milly Hepple live from Kansas, interviewing hurricane victim Chloe Anderson. We had survival bags ready to go from Caitlin Dustan, Emily Thomas, Erin McIntosh, Ellis Greenshields and Jack Steele. Leigh Morrison worked out how much it would cost to replace her home and contents if it was flattened by a tornado. Paige Forrester told us about ‘Moonbows’, Harry Thomas and Grace Mackie mapped out where in the world natural disasters had occurred and there were many super drawings and paintings of severe weather. Here are some photographs of the many ways pupils chose to do their projects.