Daily Archives: June 21, 2016

P4-7 Enjoy Sports Day

Well after last weeks disappointment of having to cancel Sports Day due to the weather, it was fingers crossed for today! And what a superb afternoon of events we had and the weather turned out not too bad either 🙂

Sports day got off to a great start with the Flat race with superb efforts and some great speed by many. Next up was the skipping with everyone trying their best – a multitude of styles was seen! The Tattie and Sppon race proved tricky with many loosing their tatties. Resilience shone through and everyone made it to the finish line with their tatties in tack. After that it was the sack race which everyone enjoyed, even those who managed to stumble along the way! Each year group also fielded relay teams which were cheered on by all.

After a great afternoon, it was time for the mums and dads races. There was a good turn out for both and they were closely fought battles but all in the spirit of good fun.

The classes then gathered round for the most important part of the day – the reults. It was a very close result with just 3 points separating 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Congratulations to ……. DOUGLAS.