Monthly Archives: May 2016

Please Sir, Can I have some more?

In our final TOPS session today we were lucky enough to be visited by Fiona, a musical theater director from Elgin Musical Theatre.

After learning what is needed to put on a show, including prompters, set designers, costumers and actors, we read some scripts from a forthcoming production of Oliver.

As you can see from the photos below Applegrove are a talented bunch and willing to throw themselves into any opportunity that comes their way. Luckily we had children willing to work both on the stage, and behind the scenes.

If you would like to know more about Elgin Musical Theatre you can visit their website

Elgin Musical Theartre will be opening the doors to all newcomers and returning cast members alike for this year’s workshops, and auditions for the 2017 production of “Oliver”. Everyone is welcome, and as always, we are actively encouraging new members of all ages to come join us and see what we are about.

To contact the production Team Direct email –


Potted Sports

We were very lucky with the weather on Tuesday for the Potted Sports and all had a super day. It was noticed how well the children worked in their teams and supported each other. Everyone had a great time and there were lots of smiles and laughter.

A huge thank you to all the parents and helpers who helped out on the day with games and counting. Thank you to the PTA for paying for the crisps and juice. Thank you also to the house captains and teachers who came in early in the morning to help set up the 20 games. Well done to Douglas who won the tournament overall and Douglas A team who had the most points for an individual team.

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Get your thinking caps on!

Don’t forget to get your team entry in for the PTA Quiz Night that takes place at 7pm on Friday 27th May at The Mosset Tavern.
Teams should be a maximum of 5 with no more than 2 adults (one of which must be over 18). Entry is £10 per team and includes tea/coffee/juice and Stovies. The bar will also be open for those who wish to purchase their own refreshments.

The questions are all ready with rounds on Music, Sport, Entertainment, Scottish Culture, Kids, Pictures, Applegrove – there’s something for everyone!

The winning team will receive a £50 Cinema voucher with prizes of £30 and £20 for second and third place.

Get your family together for a fun filled evening 🙂

Très bien tous le monde!

A huge well done to everyone in P4/5N for a fantastic assembly performance this morning! Everyone was so impressed with all the French that you have learned and shared so confidently. You should be very proud of yourselves and Miss Noble certainly is too. BRAVO!

45N Assembly

Brilliant Birds Nests

When someone kindly handed in a real birds nest they had found to Applegrove for the children to have a look at, the P1-3 Outdoor Explorers were inspired.  We decided to collect our own natural materials to build our own birds nests.  We worked together to arrange the sticks, twigs, moss, grass and loose flowers to create a cosy and safe home for a family of birds.  We even had a bird castle from one group!

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Sharing our talents

Two pupils gave up their playtime to come into the Wee Room to share their skill of making bubbles with just hands and soap.

The children in the Wee Room are learning about keeping their hands clean this week and it was a lot of fun to mix washing our hands with making bubbles.

As you can see from the video it’s harder than it looks to blow a bubble but the quality of the teaching was exceptional.

Scottish School Badminton Championship

On Saturday 7th May, Ashley Donald (P7) represented the school at the Scottish School Badminton Championships in Perth.

There were about 60 girls playing in the singles matches.  Ashley comfortably won all her her pools games putting her into the knock-out round with 31 other girls.
Her badminton skills were put to good use again as she beat a girl from West End in the first round and a girl from Ayrshire in the next round.  She was now into the final 8 girls! Despite playing to her strengths she was unfortunately beaten by the same girl who knocked her out last year! After a long day of playing, she was very happy to rank within the top 8 🙂
At Applegrove, we are all proud of her achievements and wish her continued success.