Applegrove Do Us Proud at Kirkcaldy

DSC_0528A On Saturday, 23rd April, Applegrove were well represented at a national primary schools cross country event in Kirkcaldy.  Roslyn McRitchie performed very well as Applegrove’s only girl, coming in 36th place, showing a strong kick at the finish.  The boys team earned 3rd place in the P7 boys race.  Scott Perry was 11th, David Spencer 13th, Bruce Evans 21st, Alistair Clark 27th and Aidan Matthews 49th.  Very well done to all the runners and thank you to parents for travelling the distance.  Left to Right; Alistair Clark, Scott Perry, Bruce Evans, David Spencer and Roslyn McRitchie (missing from the photograph is Aidan Matthews who left early)