Daily Archives: March 11, 2016

P6 Euro Quiz

A team of Primary 6 pupils represented Applegrove today at the Rotary Club Euro Quiz, held in Elgin.  Matthew Hepburn, Katie Standring, Bruce Evans, Roslyn McRitchie, Ben Shallicker and Talia Pearson have given up many lunchtimes and worked well as a team to become knowledgeable about all things Europe.  They know lots about flags, capitals, currency, car identifiers, iconic buildings, geography, European brands, sport and culture.  In addition they have built up an understanding of the European Union, which is very topical at the moment.  A big well done for all they have done.  The questions in the four rounds covered a very wide range of topics and Applegrove team scored 31 points.  Overall winners were Greenwards with 36 points.

House Cross Country

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On Thursday afternoon, in beautiful sunshine, 181 boys and girls from P3 -7 ran in Applegrove’s House Cross Country

This is the first year that Primary 3 had a XC course set especially for them.  Mrs Meehan thought that the boys and girls were finished after 1 lap and was amazed that they all managed to run 2 laps! The children really enjoyed the experience and it looks like they will be up for further sporting challenges as they move through the school.  Very well done to P3.

The P4/5 course was about 1200m long. The girls race was exciting to watch, with a sprint finish from Erin McIntosh in the final few metres to take 1st place. Lauren Anderson 2, Kelsey Martin 3, Olivia Dawson 4, Faye Nichol 5 and Leigh Morris 6.   In the P4/5 boys race there was a close finish from Owen Royan, Lewis Mackenzie and Ben Ross for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  Dylan Pinder 4, Ethan Lynch 5 and Decylan Dey 6.

The P6/7 year group covered a course of about 2400m. Ashley Donald had a very good run and came 1st, followed by Rosyln McRitchie 2, Isla Brain 3, Abby McKail 4, Jessica Nicol 5 and Alana Smith 6.  David Spencer pulled off another great run today and won the race, with Bruce Evans 2, Aidan Matthews 3, Scott Perry 4, Alistair Clark 5 and Lewis McIntosh 6.

Today some children ran in their first ever competitive cross country race.  Core PE, the Daily Mile, Monday Lunchtime Running Club, active playtimes and all the other activities you do showed in your endurance today.  Applegrove children showed a ‘can do’ mind-set today.  Cross country running is tough but you showed your determination and resilience and crossed that finish line!  Well done to all runners.