Daily Archives: February 19, 2016

Outdoor Explorers Enjoy Winter Walks

Joe, the artist

Joe, the artist

Sticky Toes

Sticy Toes

Would a bird nest in this?

Would a bird nest in this?

II need a bit of water to mix into the mud

I’Il need a bit of water to mix into the mud

Searching for moss, grass, sand, mud, twigs....

Searching for moss, grass, sand, mud, twigs….



The finished raptor

The finished raptor

What a difference a week makes. Last week the outdoor explorers visited Grant Park and made snow shelters for their lego men. Some brave souls tried sledging down the slopes on plastic carrier bags! Today the sun shone and the sky was blue as we walked to Sanquhar Pond. Children had the choice to draw with a stick, create a birds nest or mix up a potion using forest floor materials. While having all this fun the children are learning to assess risk when in the outdoor environment and stay safe.