Monthly Archives: January 2016

Tippy Tap

In our Global Citizenship group, Water Works, P1-4 have been learning about how important it is to have clean water to wash your hands.  We learned that in some countries where people don’t wash their hands with clean water there are a lot more illnesses and diseases. To try to solve this problem we learned that ‘Tippy Taps’ are built to provide people with a way to wash their hands if they don’t have running water from a tap.  We had a go at building some of our own too.  They worked really well – even though our feet did get a little wet!

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Global Poverty Meets Sustainability

Pupils from P5 – 7 looked at the work done in Africa by the charity Send-a-cow. Families have taken ownership of their very own cow which has improved the health and life chances of many children. Youngsters now look forward to regular meals and the money from selling the calves is used to send children to school. The children now have more energy and want to play – they make their own games and toys from things that they find.

We made toy cars from plastic bottles, milk tops, sticks and pebbles. The pebbles were used as ballast, the stick axles had to be straight and secure the wheels – all this before test drives were made! Everyone made a great effort and agreed that recycling junk was not only environmentally friendly but challenging and a whole lot of fun too. We also played ‘Mokuu’ with a ball made of plastic bags. This proved to be a game of speed and strategy. It was entertaining watching the builders trying to build their tower of stones before attackers caught them out!DSCN0443








Back Safe and Sound

Well done to all the skiers who made it back on Friday. We had a super week and were very lucky to enjoy the snow before the thaw! Mrs Maclennan was very proud when one of the instructors commented on how polite and respectful the pupils had been…. and you all learned to ski! Thank you all for a super week.

Many thanks to Mrs Donald and Mr MacIntosh for giving up their own time to come on the trip and for being so helpful during the week. We couldn’t go to Abernethy  without extra volunteers so it was much appreciated by pupils and staff.

Some more photos of all the fun

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Water Works!

As part of Global Citizenship groups, some children in P1-4 have been learning all about water in different parts of the world.  From water abundance to water shortage, we had to work together to try to solve some of these water problems. It was tricky to say the least!  We found it a real challenge trying to pour the water we had at each station into all the cups equally.  It was even more difficult when we had to carry a heavy bag to the other side of the classroom to collect dirty water for our cups.  The water activities made us think about what it must be like for people living in countries that can’t just turn on their taps to get clean water.

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Abernethy Fun

The pupils had a great time today at the Lecht. The conditions were excellent – no wind and not too cold. By the end of the day everyone could manage to get up the lift and down the slope (without too many falls!)  A great evening with a quiz and lots of birthday cake! Happy Birthday Ellie!

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Abernethy Fun


Update – Monday 10pm

All the children arrived safe and sound at the Abernethy Centre.  After unpacking they went to be kitted out with ski-boots, ski’s and helmets.  Then they played Trading the Haggis which meant a lot of running and hiding and a team game in the sports hall.  Next, all the children went to ski on the dry ski slope – some for the very first time!  As if that was not enough, they then went swimming.  We had a lovely dinner in the dining room and played a getting to know you game with children from Portessie, Findochty and Portgordon.  The day finished with all of us gathering in the theatre for ‘Explore’. Children exhausted  and  fast asleep – mission accomplished!

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In 3C we have been learning about electrical circuits. We have enjoyed learning about how electricity works. We tested out our predictions  and we all created a successful circuit using wires, light bulbs, buzzers and batteries.

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North District Cross Country in Edinburgh

On Saturday David Spencer came 30th and Scott Perry 33rd in the Scottish Inter-District Cross Country Meet in Edinburgh.  Also running in the U13 team was former pupil Ben Cameron who placed 4th in the race.  The U13 boys won silver team medals.  Luci Murdoch and Lily Carmichael, former Applegrove pupils were also selected to represent the North of Scotland.  All other North District junior age groups won bronze team medals.  Congratulations to all and we are very proud of you.

All these pupils began their running through Applegrove’s Lunchtime Running Club and PE lessons and chose to train with Forres Harriers.  They have worked hard to be the best they can be and it really showed this Saturday in Edinburgh!