Monthly Archives: December 2015

End of Term Lost Property

What does one term’s worth of lost property look like…..

This , with names on

This , with names on

And with no names....

And with no names….

It is such a shame that so much good quality clothing is left unclaimed at the end of term. Please make sure all clothing is named for the new term in January. It is easy to deliver lost property back to children if it has a name on it. Reminder to skiers  to name all your items such as gloves, goggles etc. !

We all enjoyed a super end of term concert which was hosted by very festive looking P7 House Captains in their Christmas jumpers. The concert kicked off with the wee room children and Mr Watson and ended with the usual Christmas sing-a-long with Mrs Finlayson playing piano. Well done to the organisers and the performers. It was a super concert.




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What a lovely party!

Primary 5 and 6 children enjoyed their Christmas party in Forres’s Town Hall this afternoon.  The boys and girls played party games like Christmas Corners, Musical Arms and a team relay called The Twelve Days of Christmas!

Dashing White Sergeant, Military Two Step, Virginia Reel and Strip the Willow were amongst some of the dances done at the party.  Delicious cold ice cream was just the thing after all that dancing!

Everyone joined in with the dancing and games and were great party guests – well done!  At the end one pupil was overheard saying, “That was a good party!”









Ready, Steady, Grow!

In P4/5N we have been learning about the life cycle of a plant. We made mini greenhouses for our butter beans and have been watching them grow. We made sure our seeds had water, air and sunlight to help them grow. Some of them didn’t grow but Hayley-Jane’s plant was a great success! Here are some pictures of the different stages of it’s growth.

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